[omniORB] problem building omniORB

Carsten Kraus carsten.kraus@linmor.com
Mon May 27 14:39:00 2002

Hello there,

I am trying to compile omniORB 3.0.4 on a Solaris 8 machine with gcc 3.1
and python 2.2.1. Compilation fails when it comes to invoking the idl

../../../bin/sun4_sosV_5.8/omniidl -bcxx -Wba -p../../../src/lib/omniORB2
-ComniORB3 ../../../idl/Naming.idl

omniidl: ERROR!

omniidl: Could not open IDL compiler module _omniidlmodule.so
omniidl: Please make sure it is in directory
omniidl: (or set the PYTHONPATH environment variable)

omniidl: (The error was `ld.so.1: python: fatal: relocation error: file
/export/cvs/nms/omniORB/omni/lib/sun4_sosV_5.8/_omniidlmodule.so: symbol
__eprintf: referenced symbol not found')

I figure there is some sort of a include problem, but where is eprintf
defined? Where is it getting used, it doesn't seem to be called in
