[omniORB] Notification Service with omniorbPy

Anna Patil patilanna at hotmail.com
Mon Aug 10 19:59:51 UTC 2020

Vendor suggested to implement pull events instead of push events.

What error exactly?

No able to pull events from NMS. TraceLevel 40 logs are as below.

omniORB: (0) 2020-08-11 01:21:33.927375: Version: 4.3.0
omniORB: (0) 2020-08-11 01:21:33.927407: Distribution date: Mon  6 Apr 12:16:47 BST 2020
omniORB: (0) 2020-08-11 01:21:33.927573: Skip link local address fe80::fef6:4d8e:ed21:1092 on interface enp11s0f0.
omniORB: (0) 2020-08-11 01:21:33.927593: Skip link local address fe80::6499:ec1a:9b25:34fb on interface enp11s0f1.
omniORB: (0) 2020-08-11 01:21:33.927604: My addresses are:
omniORB: xxx.xxx.xxx.202 #intentionally hide
omniORB: ::1
omniORB: (0) 2020-08-11 01:21:33.927645: Maximum supported GIOP version is 1.2
omniORB: (0) 2020-08-11 01:21:33.927767: Native char code sets: UTF-8 ISO-8859-1.
omniORB: (0) 2020-08-11 01:21:33.927778: Transmission char code sets: UTF-8(1.2) UTF-8(1.1) ISO-8859-1(1.2) ISO-8859-1(1.1) ISO-8859-1(1.0).
omniORB: (0) 2020-08-11 01:21:33.927798: Native wide char code sets: UTF-16.
omniORB: (0) 2020-08-11 01:21:33.927807: Transmission wide char code sets: UTF-16(1.2).
omniORB: (0) 2020-08-11 01:21:33.927829: Information: the omniDynamic library is not linked.
omniORB: (0) 2020-08-11 01:21:33.927909: Current configuration is as follows:
omniORB:   DefaultInitRef (file) =
omniORB:   DefaultInitRef (args) =
omniORB:   InitRef = NameService=corbaloc:iiop:1.2 at XXXX-NMS:5075/NameService  #Intentionally hinde
omniORB:   abortOnInternalError = 0
omniORB:   abortOnNativeException = 0
omniORB:   acceptBiDirectionalGIOP = 1
omniORB:   acceptMisalignedTcIndirections = 0
omniORB:   bootstrapAgentHostname =
omniORB:   bootstrapAgentPort = 900
omniORB:   clientCallTimeOutPeriod = 0
omniORB:   clientConnectTimeOutPeriod = 0
omniORB:   clientTransportRule = * unix,ssl,tcp
omniORB:   configFile = /etc/omniORB.cfg
omniORB:   connectionWatchImmediate = 0
omniORB:   connectionWatchPeriod = 50000
omniORB:   copyValuesInLocalCalls = 1
omniORB:   defaultCharCodeSet = nil
omniORB:   defaultWCharCodeSet = nil
omniORB:   diiThrowsSysExceptions = 0
omniORB:   dumpConfiguration = 0
omniORB:   endPoint = giop:tcp:
omniORB:   endPointPublish = addr
omniORB:   giopMaxMsgSize = 2097152
omniORB:   giopTargetAddressMode = ReferenceAddr
omniORB:   id = omniORB4
omniORB:   idleThreadTimeout = 10
omniORB:   immediateAddressSwitch = 0
omniORB:   inConScanPeriod = 180
omniORB:   lcdMode = 0
omniORB:   listenBacklog = 128
omniORB:   maxClientThreadPoolSize = 100
omniORB:   maxGIOPConnectionPerServer = 5
omniORB:   maxGIOPVersion = 1.2
omniORB:   maxInterleavedCallsPerConnection = 5
omniORB:   maxServerThreadPerConnection = 100
omniORB:   maxServerThreadPoolSize = 100
omniORB:   maxSocketRecv = 2147483647
omniORB:   maxSocketSend = 2147483647
omniORB:   nativeCharCodeSet = ISO-8859-1
omniORB:   nativeWCharCodeSet = UTF-16
omniORB:   objectTableSize = 0
omniORB:   offerBiDirectionalGIOP = 0
omniORB:   oneCallPerConnection = 1
omniORB:   outConScanPeriod = 120
omniORB:   poaHoldRequestTimeout = 0
omniORB:   poaUniquePersistentSystemIds = 1
omniORB:   principal = [Null]
omniORB:   resetTimeOutOnRetries = 0
omniORB:   resolveNamesForTransportRules = 1
omniORB:   retainAddressOrder = 1
omniORB:   scanGranularity = 5
omniORB:   serverCallTimeOutPeriod = 0
omniORB:   serverTransportRule = * unix,tcp,ssl
omniORB:   socketSendBuffer = -1
omniORB:   strictIIOP = 1
omniORB:   supportBootstrapAgent = 0
omniORB:   supportCurrent = 1
omniORB:   supportPerThreadTimeOut = 0
omniORB:   tcAliasExpand = 0
omniORB:   threadPerConnectionLowerLimit = 9000
omniORB:   threadPerConnectionPolicy = 1
omniORB:   threadPerConnectionUpperLimit = 10000
omniORB:   threadPoolWatchConnection = 1
omniORB:   throwTransientOnTimeOut = 0
omniORB:   traceExceptions = 0
omniORB:   traceFile = [stderr]
omniORB:   traceInvocationReturns = 0
omniORB:   traceInvocations = 0
omniORB:   traceLevel = 40
omniORB:   traceLocking = 0
omniORB:   traceThreadId = 1
omniORB:   traceTime = 1
omniORB:   unixTransportDirectory = /tmp/omni-%u
omniORB:   unixTransportPermission =  777
omniORB:   useTypeCodeIndirections = 1
omniORB:   validateUTF8 = 0
omniORB:   verifyObjectExistsAndType = 1
omniORB: (0) 2020-08-11 01:21:33.928287: omniORBpy distribution date: Mon  6 Apr 12:16:47 BST 2020
omniORB: (0) 2020-08-11 01:21:33.928403: Creating ref to remote: key<NameService>
 target id      : IDL:omg.org/CORBA/Object:1.0
 most derived id:
omniORB: (1) 2020-08-11 01:21:33.928456: Python thread state scavenger start.
omniORB: (0) 2020-08-11 01:21:33.928493: Initial reference `NameService' resolved from -ORBInitRef argument / ORB registration.
omniORB: (0) 2020-08-11 01:21:33.928656: Creating Python ref to remote: key<NameService>
 target id      : IDL:omg.org/CORBA/Object:1.0
 most derived id:
omniORB: (0) 2020-08-11 01:21:33.928949: Resolve name 'TTL-GJ-NMS'...
omniORB: (0) 2020-08-11 01:21:33.931184: Name 'TTL-GJ-NMS' resolved to
omniORB: (0) 2020-08-11 01:21:33.931256: Client attempt to connect to giop:tcp:
omniORB: (2) 2020-08-11 01:21:33.931334: AsyncInvoker: thread id 2 has started. Total threads = 1.
omniORB: (2) 2020-08-11 01:21:33.931371: AsyncInvoker: thread id 2 assigned to general tasks. Total general threads = 1.
omniORB: (2) 2020-08-11 01:21:33.931390: AsyncInvoker: thread id 2 performing immediate general task.
omniORB: (2) 2020-08-11 01:21:33.931406: Scavenger task execute.
omniORB: (0) 2020-08-11 01:21:33.969975: Client opened connection to giop:tcp:
omniORB: (0) 2020-08-11 01:21:33.970010: sendChunk: to giop:tcp: 100 bytes
omniORB: (0) 2020-08-11 01:21:33.970027:
4749 4f50 0102 0100 5800 0000 0200 0000 GIOP....X.......
0300 0000 0000 4a2d 0b00 0000 4e61 6d65 ......J-....Name
5365 7276 6963 6572 0600 0000 5f69 735f Servicer...._is_
6100 5242 0000 0000 2800 0000 4944 4c3a a.RB....(...IDL:
6f6d 672e 6f72 672f 436f 734e 616d 696e omg.org/CosNamin
672f 4e61 6d69 6e67 436f 6e74 6578 743a g/NamingContext:
312e 3000                               1.0.
omniORB: (0) 2020-08-11 01:21:34.009827: inputMessage: from giop:tcp: 274 bytes
omniORB: (0) 2020-08-11 01:21:34.009861:
4749 4f50 0102 0101 0601 0000 0200 0000 GIOP............
0300 0000 0000 0000 2800 0000 4944 4c3a ........(...IDL:
6f6d 672e 6f72 672f 436f 734e 616d 696e omg.org/CosNamin
672f 4e61 6d69 6e67 436f 6e74 6578 743a g/NamingContext:
312e 3000 0100 0000 0000 0000 c200 0000 1.0.............
0101 0200 0b00 0000 5454 4c2d 474a 2d4e ........TTL-GJ-N
4d53 0000 db13 0000 2300 0000 3a3e 0233 MS......#...:>.3
3114 4954 5f4e 616d 696e 6743 6f6e 7465 1.IT_NamingConte
7874 4578 7400 0800 0000 0000 0002 0000 xtExt...........
0600 0000 1400 0000 0800 0000 0100 7f00 ................
0100 dc13 415f 5449 1a00 0000 0100 7f00 ....A_TI........
0100 0000 0b00 0000 5454 4c2d 474a 2d4e ........TTL-GJ-N
4d53 0000 dc13 0000 0000 0000 0800 0000 MS..............
0100 0000 415f 5449 1a00 0000 0400 0000 ....A_TI........
0100 0000 0100 0000 1800 0000 0100 0000 ................
0100 0100 0000 0000 0401 0100 0100 0000 ................
0901 0100 0600 0000 0600 0000 0100 0000 ................
1900                                    ..
omniORB: (0) 2020-08-11 01:21:34.010195: Creating ref to remote: key<...31.IT.NamingContextExt..........>
 target id      : IDL:omg.org/CORBA/Object:1.0
 most derived id: IDL:omg.org/CosNaming/NamingContext:1.0
omniORB: (0) 2020-08-11 01:21:34.010319: GIOP::LOCATION_FORWARD -- retry request.
omniORB: (0) 2020-08-11 01:21:34.010337: omniRemoteIdentity deleted.
omniORB: (0) 2020-08-11 01:21:34.010351: ObjRef(IDL:omg.org/CosNaming/NamingContext:1.0) -- deleted.
omniORB: (0) 2020-08-11 01:21:34.010371: Resolve name 'TTL-GJ-NMS'...
omniORB: (0) 2020-08-11 01:21:34.013188: Name 'TTL-GJ-NMS' resolved to
omniORB: (0) 2020-08-11 01:21:34.013231: Send codeset service context: (ISO-8859-1,UTF-16)
omniORB: (0) 2020-08-11 01:21:34.013251: Client attempt to connect to giop:tcp:
omniORB: (0) 2020-08-11 01:21:34.050941: Client opened connection to giop:tcp:
omniORB: (0) 2020-08-11 01:21:34.050979: sendChunk: to giop:tcp: 148 bytes
omniORB: (0) 2020-08-11 01:21:34.051001:
4749 4f50 0102 0100 8800 0000 0200 0000 GIOP............
0300 0000 0000 2034 2300 0000 3a3e 0233 ...... 4#...:>.3
3114 4954 5f4e 616d 696e 6743 6f6e 7465 1.IT_NamingConte
7874 4578 7400 0800 0000 0000 0002 002e xtExt...........
0600 0000 5f69 735f 6100 0a30 0100 0000 ...._is_a..0....
0100 0000 0c00 0000 0100 0000 0100 0100 ................
0901 0100 3030 3030 2800 0000 4944 4c3a ....0000(...IDL:
6f6d 672e 6f72 672f 436f 734e 616d 696e omg.org/CosNamin
672f 4e61 6d69 6e67 436f 6e74 6578 743a g/NamingContext:
312e 3000                               1.0.
omniORB: (0) 2020-08-11 01:21:34.088937: inputMessage: from giop:tcp: 25 bytes
omniORB: (0) 2020-08-11 01:21:34.088974:
4749 4f50 0102 0101 0d00 0000 0200 0000 GIOP............
0000 0000 0000 0000 01                  .........
omniORB: (0) 2020-08-11 01:21:34.089020: Creating Python ref to remote: key<...31.IT.NamingContextExt..........>
 target id      : IDL:omg.org/CosNaming/NamingContext:1.0
 most derived id:
omniORB: (0) 2020-08-11 01:21:34.089137: Reference has been forwarded.
omniORB: (0) 2020-08-11 01:21:34.089237: LocateRequest to remote: key<...31.IT.NamingContextExt..........>
omniORB: (0) 2020-08-11 01:21:34.089275: sendChunk: to giop:tcp: 59 bytes
omniORB: (0) 2020-08-11 01:21:34.089300:
4749 4f50 0102 0103 2f00 0000 0400 0000 GIOP..../.......
0000 0000 2300 0000 3a3e 0233 3114 4954 ....#...:>.31.IT
5f4e 616d 696e 6743 6f6e 7465 7874 4578 _NamingContextEx
7400 0800 0000 0000 0002 00             t..........
omniORB: (0) 2020-08-11 01:21:34.128009: inputMessage: from giop:tcp: 20 bytes
omniORB: (0) 2020-08-11 01:21:34.128045:
4749 4f50 0102 0104 0800 0000 0400 0000 GIOP............
0100 0000                               ....
omniORB: (0) 2020-08-11 01:21:34.128119: sendChunk: to giop:tcp: 232 bytes
omniORB: (0) 2020-08-11 01:21:34.128129:
4749 4f50 0102 0100 dc00 0000 0600 0000 GIOP............
0300 0000 0000 0000 2300 0000 3a3e 0233 ........#...:>.3
3114 4954 5f4e 616d 696e 6743 6f6e 7465 1.IT_NamingConte
7874 4578 7400 0800 0000 0000 0002 002e xtExt...........
0800 0000 7265 736f 6c76 6500 0000 0000 ....resolve.....
0500 0000 0900 0000 544d 465f 4d54 4e4d ........TMF_MTNM
0001 0100 0600 0000 436c 6173 7300 4c3a ........Class.L:
0400 0000 4543 4900 0700 0000 5665 6e64 ....ECI.....Vend
6f72 0061 1000 0000 4543 493a 4c69 6768 or.a....ECI:Ligh
7453 6f66 745f 3100 0c00 0000 456d 7349 tSoft_1.....EmsI
6e73 7461 6e63 6500 0400 0000 335f 3500 nstance.....3_5.
0800 0000 5665 7273 696f 6e00 1000 0000 ....Version.....
4543 493a 4c69 6768 7453 6f66 745f 3100 ECI:LightSoft_1.
1400 0000 456d 7353 6573 7369 6f6e 4661 ....EmsSessionFa
6374 6f72 795f 4900                     ctory_I.
omniORB: (0) 2020-08-11 01:21:34.167835: inputMessage: from giop:tcp: 342 bytes
omniORB: (0) 2020-08-11 01:21:34.167868:
4749 4f50 0102 0101 4a01 0000 0600 0000 GIOP....J.......
0000 0000 0000 0000 3f00 0000 4944 4c3a ........?...IDL:
6d74 6e6d 2e74 6d66 6f72 756d 2e6f 7267 mtnm.tmforum.org
2f65 6d73 5365 7373 696f 6e46 6163 746f /emsSessionFacto
7279 2f45 6d73 5365 7373 696f 6e46 6163 ry/EmsSessionFac
746f 7279 5f49 3a31 2e30 0068 0100 0000 tory_I:1.0.h....
0000 0000 ee00 0000 0101 0200 0b00 0000 ................
5454 4c2d 474a 2d4e 4d53 0000 d313 0000 TTL-GJ-NMS......
5100 0000 3a3e 0232 3116 7361 6d70 6c65 Q...:>.21.sample
2d64 6f6d 6169 6e2e 6c6f 6361 7469 6f6e -domain.location
204c 534e 5f4e 4241 5f33 5f35 5f45 4349  LSN_NBA_3_5_ECI
3a4c 6967 6874 536f 6674 5f31 5f57 5331 :LightSoft_1_WS1
0013 456d 7353 6573 7369 6f6e 4661 6374 ..EmsSessionFact
6f72 795f 4900 0000 0500 0000 1400 0000 ory_I...........
0800 0000 0100 3f00 0100 d413 415f 5449 ......?.....A_TI
1a00 0000 0100 3f00 0100 0000 0b00 0000 ......?.........
5454 4c2d 474a 2d4e 4d53 0000 d413 0000 TTL-GJ-NMS......
0000 0000 0800 0000 0100 0000 415f 5449 ............A_TI
0100 0000 2000 0000 0100 0000 0100 0100 .... ...........
0200 0000 0100 0100 0100 0105 0401 0100 ................
0100 0000 0901 0100 0600 0000 0600 0000 ................
0100 0000 3c00                          ....<.
omniORB: (0) 2020-08-11 01:21:34.168018: Creating Python ref to remote: key<...21.sample.domain.location.LSN.NBA.3.5.ECI.LightSoft.1.WS1..EmsSessionFactory.I>
 target id      : IDL:omg.org/CORBA/Object:1.0
 most derived id: IDL:mtnm.tmforum.org/emsSessionFactory/EmsSessionFactory_I:1.0
omniORB: (0) 2020-08-11 01:21:34.168089: ObjRef() -- deleted.
omniORB: (0) 2020-08-11 01:21:34.168118: Initialising incoming endpoints.
omniORB: (0) 2020-08-11 01:21:34.168132: Instantiate endpoint 'giop:tcp:'
omniORB: (0) 2020-08-11 01:21:34.168156: Explicit bind to host
omniORB: (0) 2020-08-11 01:21:34.168177: Bind to address ephemeral port.
omniORB: (0) 2020-08-11 01:21:34.168206: Publish specification: 'addr'
omniORB: (0) 2020-08-11 01:21:34.168217: Try to publish 'addr' for endpoint giop:tcp:
omniORB: (0) 2020-08-11 01:21:34.168226: Publish endpoint 'giop:tcp:'
omniORB: (0) 2020-08-11 01:21:34.168252: Starting serving incoming endpoints.
omniORB: (3) 2020-08-11 01:21:34.168363: AsyncInvoker: thread id 3 has started. Total threads = 2.
omniORB: (3) 2020-08-11 01:21:34.168392: AsyncInvoker: thread id 3 assigned to general tasks. Total general threads = 2.
omniORB: (3) 2020-08-11 01:21:34.168404: AsyncInvoker: thread id 3 performing immediate general task.
omniORB: (3) 2020-08-11 01:21:34.168412: giopRendezvouser task execute for giop:tcp:
omniORB: (0) 2020-08-11 01:21:34.168466: Adding root<0> (activating) to object table.
omniORB: (0) 2020-08-11 01:21:34.168484: State root<0> (activating) -> active
omniORB: (0) 2020-08-11 01:21:34.168508: Creating ref to local: root<0>
 target id      : IDL:omg.org/CORBA/Object:1.0
 most derived id: IDL:mtnm.tmforum.org/nmsSession/NmsSession_I:1.0
omniORB: (0) 2020-08-11 01:21:34.168522: Creating Python ref to local: root<0>
 target id      : IDL:mtnm.tmforum.org/nmsSession/NmsSession_I:1.0
 most derived id: IDL:mtnm.tmforum.org/nmsSession/NmsSession_I:1.0
omniORB: (0) 2020-08-11 01:21:34.168535: ObjRef(IDL:mtnm.tmforum.org/nmsSession/NmsSession_I:1.0) -- deleted.
omniORB: (0) 2020-08-11 01:21:34.168570: LocateRequest to remote: key<...21.sample.domain.location.LSN.NBA.3.5.ECI.LightSoft.1.WS1..EmsSessionFactory.I>
omniORB: (0) 2020-08-11 01:21:34.168592: sendChunk: to giop:tcp: 105 bytes
omniORB: (0) 2020-08-11 01:21:34.168600:
4749 4f50 0102 0103 5d00 0000 0400 0000 GIOP....].......
0000 0000 5100 0000 3a3e 0232 3116 7361 ....Q...:>.21.sa
6d70 6c65 2d64 6f6d 6169 6e2e 6c6f 6361 mple-domain.loca
7469 6f6e 204c 534e 5f4e 4241 5f33 5f35 tion LSN_NBA_3_5
5f45 4349 3a4c 6967 6874 536f 6674 5f31 _ECI:LightSoft_1
5f57 5331 0013 456d 7353 6573 7369 6f6e _WS1..EmsSession
4661 6374 6f72 795f 49                  Factory_I
omniORB: (0) 2020-08-11 01:21:34.207876: inputMessage: from giop:tcp: 278 bytes
omniORB: (0) 2020-08-11 01:21:34.207901:
4749 4f50 0102 0104 0a01 0000 0400 0000 GIOP............
0200 0000 0100 0000 0000 0000 0100 0000 ................
0000 0000 ee00 0000 0101 0200 0b00 0000 ................
5454 4c2d 474a 2d4e 4d53 0000 4623 0000 TTL-GJ-NMS..F#..
5100 0000 3a3e 0232 3116 7361 6d70 6c65 Q...:>.21.sample
2d64 6f6d 6169 6e2e 6c6f 6361 7469 6f6e -domain.location
204c 534e 5f4e 4241 5f33 5f35 5f45 4349  LSN_NBA_3_5_ECI
3a4c 6967 6874 536f 6674 5f31 5f57 5331 :LightSoft_1_WS1
0013 456d 7353 6573 7369 6f6e 4661 6374 ..EmsSessionFact
6f72 795f 4900 0000 0500 0000 1400 0000 ory_I...........
0800 0000 0100 7f00 0100 4723 415f 5449 ..........G#A_TI
1a00 0000 0100 7f00 0100 0000 0b00 0000 ................
5454 4c2d 474a 2d4e 4d53 0000 4723 0000 TTL-GJ-NMS..G#..
0000 0000 0800 0000 0100 0000 415f 5449 ............A_TI
0100 0000 2000 0000 0100 0000 0100 0100 .... ...........
0200 0000 0100 0100 0100 0105 0401 0100 ................
0100 0000 0901 0100 0600 0000 0600 0000 ................
0100 0000 3c00                          ....<.
omniORB: (0) 2020-08-11 01:21:34.208020: Creating ref to remote: key<...21.sample.domain.location.LSN.NBA.3.5.ECI.LightSoft.1.WS1..EmsSessionFactory.I>
 target id      : IDL:omg.org/CORBA/Object:1.0
 most derived id:
omniORB: (0) 2020-08-11 01:21:34.208083: GIOP::LOCATION_FORWARD -- retry request.
omniORB: (0) 2020-08-11 01:21:34.208092: omniRemoteIdentity deleted.
omniORB: (0) 2020-08-11 01:21:34.208100: ObjRef() -- deleted.
omniORB: (0) 2020-08-11 01:21:34.208109: LocateRequest to remote: key<...21.sample.domain.location.LSN.NBA.3.5.ECI.LightSoft.1.WS1..EmsSessionFactory.I>
omniORB: (0) 2020-08-11 01:21:34.208119: Resolve name 'TTL-GJ-NMS'...
omniORB: (0) 2020-08-11 01:21:34.211309: Name 'TTL-GJ-NMS' resolved to
omniORB: (0) 2020-08-11 01:21:34.211347: Client attempt to connect to giop:tcp:
omniORB: (3) 2020-08-11 01:21:34.218437: SocketCollection idle. Sleeping.
omniORB: (0) 2020-08-11 01:21:34.249343: Client opened connection to giop:tcp:
omniORB: (0) 2020-08-11 01:21:34.249374: sendChunk: to giop:tcp: 105 bytes
omniORB: (0) 2020-08-11 01:21:34.249390:
4749 4f50 0102 0103 5d00 0000 0200 0000 GIOP....].......
0000 3030 5100 0000 3a3e 0232 3116 7361 ..00Q...:>.21.sa
6d70 6c65 2d64 6f6d 6169 6e2e 6c6f 6361 mple-domain.loca
7469 6f6e 204c 534e 5f4e 4241 5f33 5f35 tion LSN_NBA_3_5
5f45 4349 3a4c 6967 6874 536f 6674 5f31 _ECI:LightSoft_1
5f57 5331 0013 456d 7353 6573 7369 6f6e _WS1..EmsSession
4661 6374 6f72 795f 49                  Factory_I
omniORB: (0) 2020-08-11 01:21:34.287805: inputMessage: from giop:tcp: 20 bytes
omniORB: (0) 2020-08-11 01:21:34.287844:
4749 4f50 0102 0104 0800 0000 0200 0000 GIOP............
0100 0000                               ....
omniORB: (0) 2020-08-11 01:21:34.287903: Send codeset service context: (ISO-8859-1,UTF-16)
omniORB: (0) 2020-08-11 01:21:34.287943: sendChunk: to giop:tcp: 356 bytes
omniORB: (0) 2020-08-11 01:21:34.287961:
4749 4f50 0102 0100 5801 0000 0400 0000 GIOP....X.......
0300 0000 0000 0000 5100 0000 3a3e 0232 ........Q...:>.2
3116 7361 6d70 6c65 2d64 6f6d 6169 6e2e 1.sample-domain.
6c6f 6361 7469 6f6e 204c 534e 5f4e 4241 location LSN_NBA
5f33 5f35 5f45 4349 3a4c 6967 6874 536f _3_5_ECI:LightSo
6674 5f31 5f57 5331 0013 456d 7353 6573 ft_1_WS1..EmsSes
7369 6f6e 4661 6374 6f72 795f 490a 3534 sionFactory_I.54
0e00 0000 6765 7445 6d73 5365 7373 696f ....getEmsSessio
6e00 3464 0100 0000 0100 0000 0c00 0000 n.4d............
0100 0000 0100 0100 0901 0100 2d4e 4d53 ............-NMS
0700 0000 6e62 6975 7372 0020 0900 0000 ....nbiusr. ....
4175 6740 3230 3230 0030 2030 3100 0000 Aug at 2020.0 01...
4944 4c3a 6d74 6e6d 2e74 6d66 6f72 756d IDL:mtnm.tmforum
2e6f 7267 2f6e 6d73 5365 7373 696f 6e2f .org/nmsSession/
4e6d 7353 6573 7369 6f6e 5f49 3a31 2e30 NmsSession_I:1.0
0030 3020 0100 0000 0000 0000 6400 0000 .00 ........d...
0101 0200 0e00 0000 3130 2e32 3039 2e31 ........10.209.1
3332 2e34 3500 3593 0e00 0000 fe46 a531 32.45.5......F.1
5f00 0056 5900 0000 0000 0000 0200 0000 _..VY...........
0000 0000 0800 0000 0100 0000 0054 5441 .............TTA
0100 0000 1c00 0000 0100 0000 0100 0100 ................
0100 0000 0100 0105 0901 0100 0100 0000 ................
0901 0100                               ....
omniORB: (0) 2020-08-11 01:21:34.369461: inputMessage: from giop:tcp: 274 bytes
omniORB: (0) 2020-08-11 01:21:34.369495:
4749 4f50 0102 0101 0601 0000 0400 0000 GIOP............
0000 0000 0000 0000 3100 0000 4944 4c3a ........1...IDL:
6d74 6e6d 2e74 6d66 6f72 756d 2e6f 7267 mtnm.tmforum.org
2f65 6d73 5365 7373 696f 6e2f 456d 7353 /emsSession/EmsS
6573 7369 6f6e 5f49 3a31 2e30 0013 1a04 ession_I:1.0....
0100 0000 0000 0000 b600 0000 0101 0200 ................
0b00 0000 5454 4c2d 474a 2d4e 4d53 0000 ....TTL-GJ-NMS..
4823 0000 1b00 0000 3a3e 0231 310c 0300 H#......:>.11...
0000 0644 0000 d929 e53d 0800 0000 0000 ...D...).=......
0009 2800 0500 0000 1400 0000 0800 0000 ..(.............
0100 7f00 0100 4923 415f 5449 1a00 0000 ......I#A_TI....
0100 7f00 0100 0000 0b00 0000 5454 4c2d ............TTL-
474a 2d4e 4d53 0000 4923 0000 0000 0000 GJ-NMS..I#......
0800 0000 0100 0000 415f 5449 0100 0000 ........A_TI....
2000 0000 0100 0000 0100 0100 0200 0000  ...............
0100 0100 0100 0105 0401 0100 0100 0000 ................
0901 0100 0600 0000 0600 0000 0100 0000 ................
1100                                    ..
omniORB: (0) 2020-08-11 01:21:34.369717: Creating Python ref to remote: key<...11......D...............>
 target id      : IDL:mtnm.tmforum.org/emsSession/EmsSession_I:1.0
 most derived id: IDL:mtnm.tmforum.org/emsSession/EmsSession_I:1.0
omniORB: (0) 2020-08-11 01:21:34.369792: Resolve name 'TTL-GJ-NMS'...
omniORB: (0) 2020-08-11 01:21:34.372562: Name 'TTL-GJ-NMS' resolved to
omniORB: (0) 2020-08-11 01:21:34.372601: Send codeset service context: (ISO-8859-1,UTF-16)
omniORB: (0) 2020-08-11 01:21:34.372619: Client attempt to connect to giop:tcp:
omniORB: (0) 2020-08-11 01:21:34.410906: Client opened connection to giop:tcp:
omniORB: (0) 2020-08-11 01:21:34.410949: sendChunk: to giop:tcp: 149 bytes
omniORB: (0) 2020-08-11 01:21:34.410975:
4749 4f50 0102 0100 8900 0000 0200 0000 GIOP............
0300 0000 0000 3334 1b00 0000 3a3e 0231 ......34....:>.1
310c 0300 0000 0644 0000 d929 e53d 0800 1......D...).=..
0000 0000 0009 2836 0600 0000 5f69 735f ......(6...._is_
6100 3030 0100 0000 0100 0000 0c00 0000 a.00............
0100 0000 0100 0100 0901 0100 3030 3020 ............000
3100 0000 4944 4c3a 6d74 6e6d 2e74 6d66 1...IDL:mtnm.tmf
6f72 756d 2e6f 7267 2f65 6d73 5365 7373 orum.org/emsSess
696f 6e2f 456d 7353 6573 7369 6f6e 5f49 ion/EmsSession_I
3a31 2e30 00                            :1.0.
omniORB: (0) 2020-08-11 01:21:34.449533: inputMessage: from giop:tcp: 25 bytes
omniORB: (0) 2020-08-11 01:21:34.449568:
4749 4f50 0102 0101 0d00 0000 0200 0000 GIOP............
0000 0000 0000 0000 01                  .........
omniORB: (0) 2020-08-11 01:21:34.449622: sendChunk: to giop:tcp: 80 bytes
omniORB: (0) 2020-08-11 01:21:34.449639:
4749 4f50 0102 0100 4400 0000 0400 0000 GIOP....D.......
0300 0000 0000 3334 1b00 0000 3a3e 0231 ......34....:>.1
310c 0300 0000 0644 0000 d929 e53d 0800 1......D...).=..
0000 0000 0009 2836 1000 0000 6765 7445 ......(6....getE
7665 6e74 4368 616e 6e65 6c00 0000 0000 ventChannel.....
omniORB: (0) 2020-08-11 01:21:34.490358: inputMessage: from giop:tcp: 346 bytes
omniORB: (0) 2020-08-11 01:21:34.490398:
4749 4f50 0102 0101 4e01 0000 0400 0000 GIOP....N.......
0000 0000 0000 0000 3c00 0000 4944 4c3a ........<...IDL:
696f 6e61 2e63 6f6d 2f49 545f 4e6f 7469 iona.com/IT_Noti
6679 4368 616e 6e65 6c41 646d 696e 496e fyChannelAdminIn
7465 726e 616c 2f45 7665 6e74 4368 616e ternal/EventChan
6e65 6c3a 312e 3000 0100 0000 0000 0000 nel:1.0.........
f600 0000 0101 0200 0b00 0000 5454 4c2d ............TTL-
474a 2d4e 4d53 0000 e113 0000 5a00 0000 GJ-NMS......Z...
3a3e 0233 3149 4954 5f4e 6f74 6966 794e :>.31IIT_NotifyN
616d 6564 526f 6f74 0049 545f 4e6f 7469 amedRoot.IT_Noti
6679 4368 616e 6e65 6c41 646d 696e 3a3a fyChannelAdmin::
4576 656e 7443 6861 6e6e 656c 4661 6374 EventChannelFact
6f72 7900 6368 616e 6e65 6c2d 3534 000a ory.channel-54..
6368 616e 6e65 6c2d 3534 0000 0500 0000 channel-54......
1400 0000 0800 0000 0100 3f00 0100 e213 ..........?.....
415f 5449 1a00 0000 0100 3f00 0100 0000 A_TI......?.....
0b00 0000 5454 4c2d 474a 2d4e 4d53 0000 ....TTL-GJ-NMS..
e213 0000 0000 0000 0800 0000 0100 0000 ................
415f 5449 0100 0000 2000 0000 0100 0000 A_TI.... .......
0100 0100 0200 0000 0100 0100 0100 0105 ................
0401 0100 0100 0000 0901 0100 0600 0000 ................
0600 0000 0100 0000 4e00                ........N.
omniORB: (0) 2020-08-11 01:21:34.490683: Creating Python ref to remote: key<...31IIT.NotifyNamedRoot.IT.NotifyChannelAdmin..EventChannelFactory.channel.54..channel.54>
 target id      : IDL:omg.org/CosNotifyChannelAdmin/EventChannel:1.0
 most derived id: IDL:iona.com/IT_NotifyChannelAdminInternal/EventChannel:1.0
omniORB: (0) 2020-08-11 01:21:34.490795: Resolve name 'TTL-GJ-NMS'...
omniORB: (0) 2020-08-11 01:21:34.493889: Name 'TTL-GJ-NMS' resolved to
omniORB: (0) 2020-08-11 01:21:34.493933: Send codeset service context: (ISO-8859-1,UTF-16)
omniORB: (0) 2020-08-11 01:21:34.494031: Client attempt to connect to giop:tcp:
omniORB: (0) 2020-08-11 01:21:34.531845: Client opened connection to giop:tcp:
omniORB: (0) 2020-08-11 01:21:34.531879: sendChunk: to giop:tcp: 215 bytes
omniORB: (0) 2020-08-11 01:21:34.531894:
4749 4f50 0102 0100 cb00 0000 0200 0000 GIOP............
0300 0000 0000 3436 5a00 0000 3a3e 0233 ......46Z...:>.3
3149 4954 5f4e 6f74 6966 794e 616d 6564 1IIT_NotifyNamed
526f 6f74 0049 545f 4e6f 7469 6679 4368 Root.IT_NotifyCh
616e 6e65 6c41 646d 696e 3a3a 4576 656e annelAdmin::Even
7443 6861 6e6e 656c 4661 6374 6f72 7900 tChannelFactory.
6368 616e 6e65 6c2d 3534 000a 6368 616e channel-54..chan
6e65 6c2d 3534 3020 0600 0000 5f69 735f nel-540 ...._is_
6100 3665 0100 0000 0100 0000 0c00 0000 a.6e............
0100 0000 0100 0100 0901 0100 616e 6e65 ............anne
3300 0000 4944 4c3a 6f6d 672e 6f72 672f 3...IDL:omg.org/
436f 734e 6f74 6966 7943 6861 6e6e 656c CosNotifyChannel
4164 6d69 6e2f 4576 656e 7443 6861 6e6e Admin/EventChann
656c 3a31 2e30 00                       el:1.0.
omniORB: (0) 2020-08-11 01:21:34.570206: inputMessage: from giop:tcp: 25 bytes
omniORB: (0) 2020-08-11 01:21:34.570246:
4749 4f50 0102 0101 0d00 0000 0200 0000 GIOP............
0000 0000 0000 0000 01                  .........
omniORB: (0) 2020-08-11 01:21:34.570301: sendChunk: to giop:tcp: 156 bytes
omniORB: (0) 2020-08-11 01:21:34.570318:
4749 4f50 0102 0100 9000 0000 0400 0000 GIOP............
0300 0000 0000 3436 5a00 0000 3a3e 0233 ......46Z...:>.3
3149 4954 5f4e 6f74 6966 794e 616d 6564 1IIT_NotifyNamed
526f 6f74 0049 545f 4e6f 7469 6679 4368 Root.IT_NotifyCh
616e 6e65 6c41 646d 696e 3a3a 4576 656e annelAdmin::Even
7443 6861 6e6e 656c 4661 6374 6f72 7900 tChannelFactory.
6368 616e 6e65 6c2d 3534 000a 6368 616e channel-54..chan
6e65 6c2d 3534 3020 1c00 0000 5f67 6574 nel-540 ...._get
5f64 6566 6175 6c74 5f63 6f6e 7375 6d65 _default_consume
725f 6164 6d69 6e00 0000 0000           r_admin.....
omniORB: (0) 2020-08-11 01:21:34.609216: inputMessage: from giop:tcp: 354 bytes
omniORB: (0) 2020-08-11 01:21:34.609251:
4749 4f50 0102 0101 5601 0000 0400 0000 GIOP....V.......
0000 0000 0000 0000 3400 0000 4944 4c3a ........4...IDL:
6f6d 672e 6f72 672f 436f 734e 6f74 6966 omg.org/CosNotif
7943 6861 6e6e 656c 4164 6d69 6e2f 436f yChannelAdmin/Co
6e73 756d 6572 4164 6d69 6e3a 312e 3000 nsumerAdmin:1.0.
0100 0000 0000 0000 0601 0000 0101 0200 ................
0b00 0000 5454 4c2d 474a 2d4e 4d53 0000 ....TTL-GJ-NMS..
e113 0000 6b00 0000 3a3e 0233 3157 4954 ....k...:>.31WIT
5f4e 6f74 6966 794e 616d 6564 526f 6f74 _NotifyNamedRoot
0049 545f 4e6f 7469 6679 4368 616e 6e65 .IT_NotifyChanne
6c41 646d 696e 3a3a 4576 656e 7443 6861 lAdmin::EventCha
6e6e 656c 4661 6374 6f72 7900 6368 616e nnelFactory.chan
6e65 6c2d 3534 0063 6f6e 7375 6d65 722d nel-54.consumer-
3534 2d30 000d 636f 6e73 756d 6572 2d35 54-0..consumer-5
342d 3000 0500 0000 1400 0000 0800 0000 4-0.............
0100 3f00 0100 e213 415f 5449 1a00 0000 ..?.....A_TI....
0100 3f00 0100 0000 0b00 0000 5454 4c2d ..?.........TTL-
474a 2d4e 4d53 0000 e213 0000 0000 0000 GJ-NMS..........
0800 0000 0100 0000 415f 5449 0100 0000 ........A_TI....
2000 0000 0100 0000 0100 0100 0200 0000  ...............
0100 0100 0100 0105 0401 0100 0100 0000 ................
0901 0100 0600 0000 0600 0000 0100 0000 ................
5c00                                    \.
omniORB: (0) 2020-08-11 01:21:34.609654: Creating Python ref to remote: key<...31WIT.NotifyNamedRoot.IT.NotifyChannelAdmin..EventChannelFactory.channel.54.consumer.54.0..consumer.54.0>
 target id      : IDL:omg.org/CosNotifyChannelAdmin/ConsumerAdmin:1.0
 most derived id: IDL:omg.org/CosNotifyChannelAdmin/ConsumerAdmin:1.0
omniORB: (0) 2020-08-11 01:21:34.609762: sendChunk: to giop:tcp: 208 bytes
omniORB: (0) 2020-08-11 01:21:34.609786:
4749 4f50 0102 0100 c400 0000 0600 0000 GIOP............
0300 0000 0000 3436 6b00 0000 3a3e 0233 ......46k...:>.3
3157 4954 5f4e 6f74 6966 794e 616d 6564 1WIT_NotifyNamed
526f 6f74 0049 545f 4e6f 7469 6679 4368 Root.IT_NotifyCh
616e 6e65 6c41 646d 696e 3a3a 4576 656e annelAdmin::Even
7443 6861 6e6e 656c 4661 6374 6f72 7900 tChannelFactory.
6368 616e 6e65 6c2d 3534 0063 6f6e 7375 channel-54.consu
6d65 722d 3534 2d30 000d 636f 6e73 756d mer-54-0..consum
6572 2d35 342d 3074 0600 0000 5f69 735f er-54-0t...._is_
6100 6164 0000 0000 3400 0000 4944 4c3a a.ad....4...IDL:
6f6d 672e 6f72 672f 436f 734e 6f74 6966 omg.org/CosNotif
7943 6861 6e6e 656c 4164 6d69 6e2f 436f yChannelAdmin/Co
6e73 756d 6572 4164 6d69 6e3a 312e 3000 nsumerAdmin:1.0.
omniORB: (0) 2020-08-11 01:21:34.648060: inputMessage: from giop:tcp: 25 bytes
omniORB: (0) 2020-08-11 01:21:34.648097:
4749 4f50 0102 0101 0d00 0000 0600 0000 GIOP............
0000 0000 0000 0000 01                  .........
omniORB: (0) 2020-08-11 01:21:34.648155: sendChunk: to giop:tcp: 188 bytes
omniORB: (0) 2020-08-11 01:21:34.648280:
4749 4f50 0102 0100 b000 0000 0800 0000 GIOP............
0300 0000 0000 3436 6b00 0000 3a3e 0233 ......46k...:>.3
3157 4954 5f4e 6f74 6966 794e 616d 6564 1WIT_NotifyNamed
526f 6f74 0049 545f 4e6f 7469 6679 4368 Root.IT_NotifyCh
616e 6e65 6c41 646d 696e 3a3a 4576 656e annelAdmin::Even
7443 6861 6e6e 656c 4661 6374 6f72 7900 tChannelFactory.
6368 616e 6e65 6c2d 3534 0063 6f6e 7375 channel-54.consu
6d65 722d 3534 2d30 000d 636f 6e73 756d mer-54-0..consum
6572 2d35 342d 3074 2200 0000 6f62 7461 er-54-0t"...obta
696e 5f6e 6f74 6966 6963 6174 696f 6e5f in_notification_
7075 6c6c 5f73 7570 706c 6965 7200 6966 pull_supplier.if
0000 0000 6e6e 656c 0100 0000           ....nnel....
omniORB: (0) 2020-08-11 01:21:34.688476: inputMessage: from giop:tcp: 384 bytes
omniORB: (0) 2020-08-11 01:21:34.688515:
4749 4f50 0102 0101 7401 0000 0800 0000 GIOP....t.......
0000 0000 0000 0000 3400 0000 4944 4c3a ........4...IDL:
6f6d 672e 6f72 672f 436f 734e 6f74 6966 omg.org/CosNotif
7943 6861 6e6e 656c 4164 6d69 6e2f 5072 yChannelAdmin/Pr
6f78 7953 7570 706c 6965 723a 312e 3000 oxySupplier:1.0.
0100 0000 0000 0000 1e01 0000 0101 0200 ................
0b00 0000 5454 4c2d 474a 2d4e 4d53 0000 ....TTL-GJ-NMS..
e113 0000 8200 0000 3a3e 0233 3157 4954 ........:>.31WIT
5f4e 6f74 6966 794e 616d 6564 526f 6f74 _NotifyNamedRoot
0049 545f 4e6f 7469 6679 4368 616e 6e65 .IT_NotifyChanne
6c41 646d 696e 3a3a 4576 656e 7443 6861 lAdmin::EventCha
6e6e 656c 4661 6374 6f72 7900 6368 616e nnelFactory.chan
6e65 6c2d 3534 0063 6f6e 7375 6d65 722d nel-54.consumer-
3534 2d30 0024 7374 7275 6374 7572 6564 54-0.$structured
2d70 726f 7879 7075 6c6c 7375 7070 6c69 -proxypullsuppli
6572 2d35 342d 302d 3438 0000 0500 0000 er-54-0-48......
1400 0000 0800 0000 0100 3f00 0100 e213 ..........?.....
415f 5449 1a00 0000 0100 3f00 0100 0000 A_TI......?.....
0b00 0000 5454 4c2d 474a 2d4e 4d53 0000 ....TTL-GJ-NMS..
e213 0000 0000 0000 0800 0000 0100 0000 ................
415f 5449 0100 0000 2000 0000 0100 0000 A_TI.... .......
0100 0100 0200 0000 0100 0100 0100 0105 ................
0401 0100 0100 0000 0901 0100 0600 0000 ................
0600 0000 0100 0000 5c00 0000 3000 0000 ........\...0...
omniORB: (0) 2020-08-11 01:21:34.688952: Creating Python ref to remote: key<...31WIT.NotifyNamedRoot.IT.NotifyChannelAdmin..EventChannelFactory.channel.54.consumer.54.0..structured.proxypullsupplier.54.0.48>
 target id      : IDL:omg.org/CosNotifyChannelAdmin/ProxySupplier:1.0
 most derived id: IDL:omg.org/CosNotifyChannelAdmin/ProxySupplier:1.0
omniORB: (0) 2020-08-11 01:21:34.689058: sendChunk: to giop:tcp: 246 bytes
omniORB: (0) 2020-08-11 01:21:34.689083:
4749 4f50 0102 0100 ea00 0000 0a00 0000 GIOP............
0300 0000 0000 3436 8200 0000 3a3e 0233 ......46....:>.3
3157 4954 5f4e 6f74 6966 794e 616d 6564 1WIT_NotifyNamed
526f 6f74 0049 545f 4e6f 7469 6679 4368 Root.IT_NotifyCh
616e 6e65 6c41 646d 696e 3a3a 4576 656e annelAdmin::Even
7443 6861 6e6e 656c 4661 6374 6f72 7900 tChannelFactory.
6368 616e 6e65 6c2d 3534 0063 6f6e 7375 channel-54.consu
6d65 722d 3534 2d30 0024 7374 7275 6374 mer-54-0.$struct
7572 6564 2d70 726f 7879 7075 6c6c 7375 ured-proxypullsu
7070 6c69 6572 2d35 342d 302d 3438 6e5f pplier-54-0-48n_
0600 0000 5f69 735f 6100 6965 0000 0000 ...._is_a.ie....
4200 0000 4944 4c3a 6f6d 672e 6f72 672f B...IDL:omg.org/
436f 734e 6f74 6966 7943 6861 6e6e 656c CosNotifyChannel
4164 6d69 6e2f 5374 7275 6374 7572 6564 Admin/Structured
5072 6f78 7950 756c 6c53 7570 706c 6965 ProxyPullSupplie
723a 312e 3000                          r:1.0.
omniORB: (0) 2020-08-11 01:21:34.727577: inputMessage: from giop:tcp: 25 bytes
omniORB: (0) 2020-08-11 01:21:34.727617:
4749 4f50 0102 0101 0d00 0000 0a00 0000 GIOP............
0000 0000 0000 0000 01                  .........
omniORB: (0) 2020-08-11 01:21:34.727661: Creating Python ref to remote: key<...31WIT.NotifyNamedRoot.IT.NotifyChannelAdmin..EventChannelFactory.channel.54.consumer.54.0..structured.proxypullsupplier.54.0.48>
 target id      : IDL:omg.org/CosNotifyChannelAdmin/StructuredProxyPullSupplier:1.0
 most derived id: IDL:omg.org/CosNotifyChannelAdmin/ProxySupplier:1.0
omniORB: (0) 2020-08-11 01:21:34.727762: LocateRequest to remote: key<...31WIT.NotifyNamedRoot.IT.NotifyChannelAdmin..EventChannelFactory.channel.54.consumer.54.0..structured.proxypullsupplier.54.0.48>
omniORB: (0) 2020-08-11 01:21:34.727801: sendChunk: to giop:tcp: 154 bytes
omniORB: (0) 2020-08-11 01:21:34.727817:
4749 4f50 0102 0103 8e00 0000 0c00 0000 GIOP............
0000 0000 8200 0000 3a3e 0233 3157 4954 ........:>.31WIT
5f4e 6f74 6966 794e 616d 6564 526f 6f74 _NotifyNamedRoot
0049 545f 4e6f 7469 6679 4368 616e 6e65 .IT_NotifyChanne
6c41 646d 696e 3a3a 4576 656e 7443 6861 lAdmin::EventCha
6e6e 656c 4661 6374 6f72 7900 6368 616e nnelFactory.chan
6e65 6c2d 3534 0063 6f6e 7375 6d65 722d nel-54.consumer-
3534 2d30 0024 7374 7275 6374 7572 6564 54-0.$structured
2d70 726f 7879 7075 6c6c 7375 7070 6c69 -proxypullsuppli
6572 2d35 342d 302d 3438                er-54-0-48
omniORB: (0) 2020-08-11 01:21:34.766198: inputMessage: from giop:tcp: 20 bytes
omniORB: (0) 2020-08-11 01:21:34.766234:
4749 4f50 0102 0104 0800 0000 0c00 0000 GIOP............
0100 0000                               ....
omniORB: (0) 2020-08-11 01:21:34.766288: sendChunk: to giop:tcp: 562 bytes
omniORB: (0) 2020-08-11 01:21:34.766305:
4749 4f50 0102 0100 2602 0000 0e00 0000 GIOP....&.......
0300 0000 0000 0000 8200 0000 3a3e 0233 ............:>.3
3157 4954 5f4e 6f74 6966 794e 616d 6564 1WIT_NotifyNamed
526f 6f74 0049 545f 4e6f 7469 6679 4368 Root.IT_NotifyCh
616e 6e65 6c41 646d 696e 3a3a 4576 656e annelAdmin::Even
7443 6861 6e6e 656c 4661 6374 6f72 7900 tChannelFactory.
6368 616e 6e65 6c2d 3534 0063 6f6e 7375 channel-54.consu
6d65 722d 3534 2d30 0024 7374 7275 6374 mer-54-0.$struct
7572 6564 2d70 726f 7879 7075 6c6c 7375 ured-proxypullsu
7070 6c69 6572 2d35 342d 302d 3438 6e5f pplier-54-0-48n_
2100 0000 636f 6e6e 6563 745f 7374 7275 !...connect_stru
6374 7572 6564 5f70 756c 6c5f 636f 6e73 ctured_pull_cons
756d 6572 0074 6966 0000 0000 6e6e 656c umer.tif....nnel
3400 0000 4944 4c3a 6f6d 672e 6f72 672f 4...IDL:omg.org/
436f 734e 6f74 6966 7943 6861 6e6e 656c CosNotifyChannel
4164 6d69 6e2f 5072 6f78 7953 7570 706c Admin/ProxySuppl
6965 723a 312e 3000 0100 0000 0000 0000 ier:1.0.........
1e01 0000 0101 0200 0b00 0000 5454 4c2d ............TTL-
474a 2d4e 4d53 0000 e113 0000 8200 0000 GJ-NMS..........
3a3e 0233 3157 4954 5f4e 6f74 6966 794e :>.31WIT_NotifyN
616d 6564 526f 6f74 0049 545f 4e6f 7469 amedRoot.IT_Noti
6679 4368 616e 6e65 6c41 646d 696e 3a3a fyChannelAdmin::
4576 656e 7443 6861 6e6e 656c 4661 6374 EventChannelFact
6f72 7900 6368 616e 6e65 6c2d 3534 0063 ory.channel-54.c
6f6e 7375 6d65 722d 3534 2d30 0024 7374 onsumer-54-0.$st
7275 6374 7572 6564 2d70 726f 7879 7075 ructured-proxypu
6c6c 7375 7070 6c69 6572 2d35 342d 302d llsupplier-54-0-
3438 0000 0500 0000 1400 0000 0800 0000 48..............
0100 3f00 0100 e213 415f 5449 1a00 0000 ..?.....A_TI....
0100 3f00 0100 0000 0b00 0000 5454 4c2d ..?.........TTL-
474a 2d4e 4d53 0000 e213 0000 0000 0000 GJ-NMS..........
0800 0000 0100 0000 415f 5449 0100 0000 ........A_TI....
2000 0000 0100 0000 0100 0100 0200 0000  ...............
0100 0100 0100 0105 0401 0100 0100 0000 ................
0901 0100 0600 0000 0600 0000 0100 0000 ................
5c00                                    \.
omniORB: (0) 2020-08-11 01:21:34.806905: inputMessage: from giop:tcp: 24 bytes
omniORB: (0) 2020-08-11 01:21:34.806941:
4749 4f50 0102 0101 0c00 0000 0e00 0000 GIOP............
0000 0000 0000 0000                     ........
omniORB: (0) 2020-08-11 01:21:34.807153: sendChunk: to giop:tcp: 192 bytes
omniORB: (0) 2020-08-11 01:21:34.807184:
4749 4f50 0102 0100 b400 0000 1000 0000 GIOP............
0300 0000 0000 0000 8200 0000 3a3e 0233 ............:>.3
3157 4954 5f4e 6f74 6966 794e 616d 6564 1WIT_NotifyNamed
526f 6f74 0049 545f 4e6f 7469 6679 4368 Root.IT_NotifyCh
616e 6e65 6c41 646d 696e 3a3a 4576 656e annelAdmin::Even
7443 6861 6e6e 656c 4661 6374 6f72 7900 tChannelFactory.
6368 616e 6e65 6c2d 3534 0063 6f6e 7375 channel-54.consu
6d65 722d 3534 2d30 0024 7374 7275 6374 mer-54-0.$struct
7572 6564 2d70 726f 7879 7075 6c6c 7375 ured-proxypullsu
7070 6c69 6572 2d35 342d 302d 3438 6e5f pplier-54-0-48n_
1600 0000 7075 6c6c 5f73 7472 7563 7475 ....pull_structu
7265 645f 6576 656e 7400 6c5f 0000 0000 red_event.l_....
omniORB: (2) 2020-08-11 01:21:38.931554: Scan for idle connections (1597089098,931479000)
omniORB: (2) 2020-08-11 01:21:38.931584: Scavenger reduce idle count for strand 0xf48fb0 to 23
omniORB: (2) 2020-08-11 01:21:38.931593: Scavenger reduce idle count for strand 0xe8b3e0 to 23
omniORB: (2) 2020-08-11 01:21:38.931600: Scavenger reduce idle count for strand 0x103b220 to 23
omniORB: (2) 2020-08-11 01:21:38.931607: Scavenger reduce idle count for strand 0x103faa0 to 23
omniORB: (2) 2020-08-11 01:21:38.931614: Scan for idle connections done (1597089098,931479000).
omniORB: (2) 2020-08-11 01:21:43.931759: Scan for idle connections (1597089103,931621000)
omniORB: (2) 2020-08-11 01:21:43.931793: Scavenger reduce idle count for strand 0xf48fb0 to 22
omniORB: (2) 2020-08-11 01:21:43.931804: Scavenger reduce idle count for strand 0xe8b3e0 to 22
omniORB: (2) 2020-08-11 01:21:43.931811: Scavenger reduce idle count for strand 0x103b220 to 22
omniORB: (2) 2020-08-11 01:21:43.931818: Scavenger reduce idle count for strand 0x103faa0 to 22
omniORB: (2) 2020-08-11 01:21:43.931826: Scan for idle connections done (1597089103,931621000).
omniORB: (2) 2020-08-11 01:21:48.931949: Scan for idle connections (1597089108,931832000)
omniORB: (2) 2020-08-11 01:21:48.931977: Scavenger reduce idle count for strand 0xf48fb0 to 21
omniORB: (2) 2020-08-11 01:21:48.931985: Scavenger reduce idle count for strand 0xe8b3e0 to 21
omniORB: (2) 2020-08-11 01:21:48.931989: Scavenger reduce idle count for strand 0x103b220 to 21
omniORB: (2) 2020-08-11 01:21:48.931992: Scavenger reduce idle count for strand 0x103faa0 to 21
omniORB: (2) 2020-08-11 01:21:48.931997: Scan for idle connections done (1597089108,931832000).
omniORB: (2) 2020-08-11 01:21:53.932107: Scan for idle connections (1597089113,932001000)
omniORB: (2) 2020-08-11 01:21:53.932143: Scavenger reduce idle count for strand 0xf48fb0 to 20
omniORB: (2) 2020-08-11 01:21:53.932154: Scavenger reduce idle count for strand 0xe8b3e0 to 20
omniORB: (2) 2020-08-11 01:21:53.932161: Scavenger reduce idle count for strand 0x103b220 to 20
omniORB: (2) 2020-08-11 01:21:53.932168: Scavenger reduce idle count for strand 0x103faa0 to 20
omniORB: (2) 2020-08-11 01:21:53.932175: Scan for idle connections done (1597089113,932001000).
omniORB: (2) 2020-08-11 01:21:58.932318: Scan for idle connections (1597089118,932182000)
omniORB: (2) 2020-08-11 01:21:58.932354: Scavenger reduce idle count for strand 0xf48fb0 to 19
omniORB: (2) 2020-08-11 01:21:58.932365: Scavenger reduce idle count for strand 0xe8b3e0 to 19
omniORB: (2) 2020-08-11 01:21:58.932372: Scavenger reduce idle count for strand 0x103b220 to 19
omniORB: (2) 2020-08-11 01:21:58.932379: Scavenger reduce idle count for strand 0x103faa0 to 19
omniORB: (2) 2020-08-11 01:21:58.932387: Scan for idle connections done (1597089118,932182000).

Anna Patil

From: Duncan Grisby <duncan at grisby.org>
Sent: Monday, August 10, 2020 6:23 PM
To: Anna Patil <patilanna at hotmail.com>; omniorb-list at omniorb-support.com <omniorb-list at omniorb-support.com>
Subject: Re: [omniORB] Notification Service with omniorbPy

On Sat, 2020-08-08 at 14:35 +0000, Anna Patil via omniORB-list wrote:

> I am trying get notifications from python, very new to CORBA, below
> is my first try. I am trying  to pull notifications from ECI
> Lightsoft NMS in python3.6, everything is going well however while
> pulling structured events, getting below error.

What error exactly?  You have cut off the start of omniORB's log that
shows exactly what it is doing, but it looks like it is a call to a
StructuredPullSupplier's pull_structured_event() method.

There is no reply from that call, but that is to be expected if there
are no events -- pull_structured_event() is defined in the
specification to block if there are no events pending.

Do you think there should be some events?  Is any logging available
from the notification service you are using?


 -- Duncan Grisby         --
  -- duncan at grisby.org     --
   -- http://www.grisby.org --

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