Wouter Vuijk wouter_vuijk at hotmail.com
Tue Dec 3 12:47:47 GMT 2019

Hi all,

I keep having the problem of this connection failure. I followed all these steps:


On a company computer with Windows 10 it does work, but on two of my own machines with Windows 10 it simply does not. Starting Ansys APDL in -aas mode works and connects to a server, so I figure that it has nothing to do with licensing as else it would not start. The IOR key is also created in the instant_aaS_MapdlId.txt.

So I figure that the problems has to do with omniORB as that would be handling the connection. I also found somewhere that people described altering the .cfg file, but I cannot find that file on the computer where the link is established. I even tried to copy all the CORBA, AAS_CORBA and ICoMapdlUnit.idl folders and file from the computer that works and put these in the workfolder of the other machines but without result.

Does anybody see where this problem could be? That would help me a lot!

Thanks in advance!

With kind regards,

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