[omniORB] Threads in ORB

jorgefm@cirsa.com jorgefm@cirsa.com
Mon, 29 Apr 2002 15:44:33 +0200

(Sorry i made a mistake with the cut&paste with the function's name

Hi folks !

I have a little newbie question about threads and registered objects in
OmniORB. I don't know
if i can post code excerpts.

I have this interface :

interface ICorbaClient {
    oneway void OnStatusChanged(in boolean new_status);

interface ICorbaServer {
   boolean RegisterOnStatusChanged(in ICorbaClient client);

There is a client and a server. I create clients' instances that i register
in a remote server to be
notified by the server when a status change is detected. In my client code
i have defined the next class
to manage the corba client :

class __IClient : public virtual POA_ICorbaClient,
                   public virtual PortableServer::RefCountServantBase
     virtual ~__IClient();
     virtual void Initialize();
     virtual void RegisterOnStatusChanged();

     // Interface idl.
     virtual void OnStatusChanged(CORBA::Boolean new_status);

     ICorbaClient_ptr m_sink;
                ICorbaServer_ptr m_server

void __IClient::Initialize()
  // Activate the servant.
  poa->activate_object( this );

  // Generate a local reference.
  m_client_ptr = _this();

  // _this() calls _duplicate(), then we have to free one reference.

  // Get server reference.
  CORBA::Object_var obj = CORBAGetObjectReference( "TestServer" );
  m_server = ICorbaServer::_narrow(obj);

void __IClient::RegisterOnStatusChanged()
  m_server->RegisterOnStatusChanged( m_client_ptr );

void __IClient::OnStatusChanged(CORBA::Boolean new_status)
  printf( "[pid : %d] Status changed !\n", getpid() );

Where 'CORBAGetObjectReference' gets a servant reference from the Name
previosuly registered. Then when i want to create a new client and register
it i do :

__IClient *client = new __IClient();

My question is about the PID i get in the 'OnStatusChanged' notification
function. It's the same for all the
clients ! Is it normal ? I expected one thread per client, but i think that
all the clients share the same connection
with the server although every clients gets it's own server reference !

Thanks for all,