[omniORB] Strange performance problems

Ole Dalgaard josua@cs.auc.dk
Fri, 2 Jul 1999 02:21:29 +0200 (MET DST)

Here is some more detailed performance numbers, on the problem
described in previous mails:

First column is nr. of bytes sent as parameter
Second column is intra host communication time for 10000 calls
Third column is interhost communication time for 10000 calls

256	3.4	7.5		
512	4.2	9.4
1024	5.7	12.8
2048	8.6	206
4096	208	31.6
8192	40.3	207
16384	193	207
32768	143	208

Is this just me doing something stupid, or is it a bug in omniORB?

Thanks in advance

Ole Dalgaard