[omniORB-dev] RE: [omniORB] Compression for OmniORB
Malge Nishant
Tue, 1 Apr 2003 11:45:15 +0530
I am moving to omniorb-dev on this issue.
-----Original Message-----
From: Duncan Grisby [mailto:duncan@grisby.org]
> A far better way to do compression is to add a new transport, along
> the lines of the SSL or Unix domain transports, that does the
> compression at the transport level. That will be easier to do, and
> much neater. It's also a clean stand-alone unit, so can easily be
> included in the omniORB distribution.
I completely agree with you on this. I should look towards a new
transport. Now the new transport will be based on tcp again. so can I use
the exiting tcp transport and enhance it with compression features? Well I
tried doing this and I have named this as "ctcp" [-compressed tcp-]
transport. The URL looks like this - "giop:ctcp:host:port". This transport
does nothing special than normal tcp transport, I have to add the meaning of
"c" to this transport yet. I am able to build a separate library called
omniCTcpTP. The entry of this transport in the object reference {IOR} is
maintained with a special TAG called TAG_OMNIORB_COMPRESSED_TCP.
Now at this point I need know from you- Am I on the right track?