[omniORB] VS 2005 - OmniOrb 4.1.4 Linker Issue

Obermaier, Stephen J (IS) stephen.obermaier at ngc.com
Fri Apr 23 08:10:28 BST 2010

Have you actually tried running the application?  Those warnings are not
as dire as they sound.  It simply means that you are referencing these
data types in MSIL code, but the data type is only defined in the native
(non-managed) module.  This will not prevent the application from
running correctly, but if you want to eliminate the warnings, refer to



Steve O.


From: omniorb-list-bounces at omniorb-support.com
[mailto:omniorb-list-bounces at omniorb-support.com] On Behalf Of
jklein at rockwellcollins.com
Sent: Thursday, April 22, 2010 6:32 PM
To: omniorb-list at omniorb-support.com
Subject: [omniORB] VS 2005 - OmniOrb 4.1.4 Linker Issue



I'm trying to build an application that is a mix between managed and
unmanaged C++ with Visual Studio 2005 and omniOrb 4.1.4. This has been a
trying task to say the least. Of course, all the CORBA stuff is done
within non-managed code. 

I'm down to a few linker warnings (I only list two as all the other are
duplicates). The application seems to run when I run it on the machine I
compiled it on within visual studio, but when I move it to another
machine, it crashes instantly. I don't even insatiate any of the
non-managed code unless a user clicks a button. Also, I'm moved all the
DLLs to the other machine. 

I'm assuming this is due to these linker warnings. 

Removed.obj : warning LNK4248: unresolved typeref token (0100001C) for
'CORBA._objref_IDLType'; image may not run 
Removed.obj : warning LNK4248: unresolved typeref token (01000017) for
'omniIdentity'; image may not run 

I translate my IDL with the following: 

omniidl -bcxx -Wba -Wbh=.h -Wbs=.cpp -Wbd=.cpp 

PreProcessor flags 


Or better this: 

/Od /I "C:\snapshots\..Removed.." /I
"C:\omniorb\omniORB-4.1.4\include\omniORB4" /I
"C:\snapshots\..Removed.." /I "C:\omniorb\omniORB-4.1.4\include" /D
"WIN32" /D "_DEBUG" /D "__WIN32__" /D "__x86__" /D "_WIN32_WINNT=0x0400"
"_UNICODE" /D "UNICODE" /FD /EHa /MDd /Yu"stdafx.h"
/Fp"Debug\..Removed...pch" /Fo"Debug\\" /Fd"Debug\vc80.pdb" /W3 /nologo
/c /Zi /clr /TP /errorReport:prompt /FU
"c:\WINDOWS\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v2.0.50727\System.dll" /FU
"c:\WINDOWS\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v2.0.50727\System.Data.dll" /FU
"c:\WINDOWS\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v2.0.50727\System.Drawing.dll" /FU
/FU "c:\WINDOWS\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v2.0.50727\System.XML.dll" 

Linked Libs 

ws2_32.lib mswsock.lib advapi32.lib omniORB414_rtd.lib
omniDynamic414_rtd.lib omnithread34_rtd.lib 

Or better this: 

/OUT:"C:\snapshots\..Removed...exe" /INCREMENTAL /NOLOGO
/LIBPATH:"C:\omniOrb\omniORB-4.1.4\lib\x86_win32" /MANIFEST
/MANIFESTFILE:"Debug\..Removed...exe.intermediate.manifest" /DEBUG
/ASSEMBLYDEBUG /PDB:"c:\snapshots\..Removed...pdb" /SUBSYSTEM:WINDOWS
mswsock.lib advapi32.lib omniORB414_rtd.lib omniDynamic414_rtd.lib

I thought about static linking, but that is not an option with the /clr

I've heard others mention similar things, but none have been answered. 


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