SV: [omniORB] Debug problem

Carsten.Agger at Carsten.Agger at
Wed Jan 14 12:45:48 GMT 2009

-----Oprindelig meddelelse-----
Fra: Martin Trappel [mailto:0xCDCDCDCD at] 
Sendt: 14. januar 2009 09:22
Til: Agger Carsten
Cc: omniorb-list at
Emne: Re: [omniORB] Debug problem

I have never needed to build omniORB myself yet, but you could try to 
just run the release build under the debugger and see if you can find 
the error that way.

Thanks - this didn't help, but I found out how to do it: In the file

I inserted an ifndef BuildDebugBinary ... endif around the definition of
SUBDIRS and the all:: and install:: parts.

This makes the build ignore omniidl if it's done in debug mode.

All I had to do now was to 

1) first do a 

	make export 

without BuildDebugBinary so we know that all files include omniidl.exe
actually exist in $OMNIORB_TOP/bin/x86_win32

2) then do a 
	make clean

(or veryclean) to remove all binaries from the source directories, 

3) set BuildDebugBinary by uncommenting the relevant line in

4) do a new

	make export

Everything except omniidl.exe is now built with debug information,
including omniNames.exe. Maybe this skipping of omniidl.exe should be
included in the official distribution.

Anyway, it works and the code may be debugged. But this was *so* much
easier on Ubuntu.  Oh well...


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