[omniORB] OmniORB and JAVAorb, trying to use corbaloc

Duncan Grisby duncan@grisby.org
Tue, 07 May 2002 16:16:36 +0100

On Monday 6 May, Antoine Thierry wrote:

> We want to make a sort of IOR distributor, as saw in the list a few time ago.
> so, i init the ORB with as command line argument 
> -ORBpoa_iiop_name_port <myhost>:<myport>
> i create my main POA with 
> CORBA::Object_var obj = orb->resolve_initial_references("omniINSPOA");
> PortableServer::POA_var rootPOA = PortableServer::POA::_narrow(obj);
> when i make a test with my small omniORB/c++ client, giving to it
> - the same parameter on the command line :
> ( -ORBpoa_iiop_name_port <myhost>:<myport> )

You shouldn't do that. That tells the client to also try to start up
on the same port. You only get away with it since you don't actually
start the server. It might come back to bite you later.

> i've made a small java test program which is the following : 

Are you using the JDK built-in ORB?  The ORB in JDK 1.3 doesn't
support corbaloc. The JDK 1.4 ORB does, as do most of the other Java
ORBs. You shouldn't use ORBInitialHost/Port either -- they are
obsolete, and don't have any bearing on the use of the corbaloc URI.



 -- Duncan Grisby         --
  -- duncan@grisby.org     --
   -- http://www.grisby.org --