[omniORB] Can I make my program listen to more than one name service?

Mohan rmohan@ice-com.com
Fri Aug 2 10:07:00 2002

Hi Bjorn,
Thanks for the information. Currently in the config file I have
ORBInitialHost and ORBInitialPort. But if I want to connect to outside
machine(where the name service is running) I think I have to make use of
corbaloc method as mentioned in the document where I have to add something
like corbaloc:iiop:myhost.example.com:1234/MyObjectKey in the config file
instead of ORBInitHost and ORBInitPort variables. And if I want to add 2
different locations of name serive I can also do this by seperating with
comas. Here my question is how do I specify this information on the client
machine(either on windows or unix) so that the client program can bind to
the specified objects. As you suggested, I will rely on the application
logic to make this work.
----- Original Message -----
From: "bjorn rohde jensen" <bjensen@fastmail.fm>
To: "Mohan" <rmohan@ice-com.com>
Cc: <omniorb-list@realvnc.com>
Sent: Friday, August 02, 2002 1:08 PM
Subject: Re: [omniORB] Can I make my program listen to more than one name

> Hi Ram,
>  I am not sure, what is the best way to actually
> do this sort of thing. You might be able to use
> the multiprofile IOR approach Bruce mentions, if
> you use omniORB4. In that case you might be able
> to put a multiprofile reference in the registry.
>  Personally, i would rely on application logic to
> handle multiple NamingContext's and probably use
> resolve_initial_references, since one can invent
> ones own initial references: ie. -ORBInitRef
> BackUpNameService=blablabla. I dont know, how to do
> that under windows though.
>  You could use configuration files for this sort of
> thing too. Either your own application specific
> or omniORB's config file.
> Yours sincerely,
> Bjorn
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