[omniORB] CORBA::String_var and CORBA::string_alloc (again!)

Bruce Visscher visschb@rjrt.com
Thu, 20 Jul 2000 19:15:32 -0400

I hate to bring this up again, but...

>From the src/lib/omniORB2(!) directory of an omniORB 3 directory (hope
you can translate the VMSese):

search [...]*.cc string_alloc,string_var/match=and


              CORBA::String_var repoId(CORBA::string_alloc(repoIdLen -


          CORBA::String_var id  = CORBA::string_alloc(slen);
          CORBA::String_var uri = CORBA::string_alloc(slen);


      CORBA::String_var id  = CORBA::string_alloc(slen);
      CORBA::String_var uri = CORBA::string_alloc(slen);

The first occurence is correct.  The others are wrong for reasons that
I've beaten to death in the past.  Note that I haven't yet experienced
problems, but unless something has changed that I'm not aware of, this
won't work.  The reason is that the CORBA::String_var type does not have
reasonable copy semantics.

Sorry for not catching this sooner.  It's been a while since I checked


(!) Why was src/lib/omniORB2 never renamed to omniORB3?

Bruce Visscher                                        visschb@rjrt.com