ORB_init signature

Mark Little M.C.Little@ncl.ac.uk
Thu, 07 Aug 1997 16:09:03 +0100

I don't know if this has already been mentioned, but the signature to
ORB_init is wrong in the version of omniOrb we have. It should be:

ORB_ptr ORB_init(int&, char**, ORBid);

where ORBid is defined by omniOrb to be a Char* (unsigned char*)

but is:

ORB_ptr ORB_init(int&, char**, const char*).


SENDER : Dr. Mark Little, Arjuna Project, Distributed Systems Research.
PHONE  : +44 191 222 8066, FAX : +44 191 222 8232
POST   : Department of Computing Science, University of Newcastle upon
	 Tyne, UK, NE1 7RU
EMAIL  : M.C.Little@newcastle.ac.uk