[omniNotify] Help Needed:Link error of omninotify in Windows

1 jasonhr at 126.com
Mon Oct 4 03:01:19 UTC 2021

I found the static lib "COSNotify4.lib" has been built successfully in folder "omniNotify\lib\debug".
Is there any trick to build share lib in windows? Or i have to use the static lib in windows?
Does anyone meet this issue before?

At 2021-10-03 07:50:27, "jasonhr--- via omninotify-list" <omninotify-list at omniorb-support.com> wrote:

Hi All,
I'm compiling omniNotify in Window Visual Studio 2019.
According to the Readme file, everything was fine except there are 4 link errors when creating COSNotify424_vc16_rtd.dll.
The 4 link errors are:
1.  COSNotify424_rtd.exp : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol "void * __cdecl operator new(unsigned __int64,void *)" (??2 at YAPEAX_KPEAX@Z)"
2. COSNotify424_rtd.exp : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol "bool __cdecl std::operator==(class std::error_condition const &,class std::error_condition const &)" (??8std@@YA_NAEBVerror_condition at 0@0 at Z)
3. COSNotify424_rtd.exp : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol "public: __cdecl <lambda_65e615be2a453ca0576c979606f46740>::operator()(char * const,char const * const,unsigned __int64,char const * const,unsigned __int64)const " (??R<lambda_65e615be2a453ca0576c979606f46740>@@QEBA at QEADQEBD_K12@Z)
4. COSNotify424_rtd.exp : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol "public: __cdecl <lambda_66f57f934f28d61049862f64df852ff0>::operator()(char * const,unsigned __int64,char const * const)const " (??R<lambda_66f57f934f28d61049862f64df852ff0>@@QEBA at QEAD_KQEBD@Z)

Do you guys know the reason?
Thank you all in advance.


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