[omniORB] Using OmniOrb on multiple networks

Nick Day nick at xitron.com
Mon Mar 18 10:53:53 GMT 2019

Hello OmniOrb list,

We are using OmniOrb v4.1 bundled with a product we are using, which is
being run on a set of PCs each of which may have multiple network adapters.
OmniOrb is used to allow software on the first PC to communicate with
software on the other PCs.


We are finding that due to the apparently arbitrary choice of which network
adapter OmniOrb uses, communications are failing, due to the sender and
listener using different addresses. For instance and


These are the File version and Product version details from two different
locations of the software installation on the same PC:

omniDynamic410_vc8_rt.dll / 4.1.0.D1

omniORB410_vc8_rt.dll / 4.1.0.D1

omnithread33_vc8_rt.dll / 4.1.0.D1


omniDynamic414_vc12_rt.dll / 4.1.4.F1

omniORB414_vc12_rt.dll / 4.1.4.F1

omnithread34_vc12_rt.dll / 4.1.4.F1


Problem 1:

We have an OMNIORB.CFG on each PC.

This is clearly being honored, because the traceLevel setting has an effect.

However on all but one PC, the OmniOrb.log is created but remains empty,
despite having similar configuration on all the PC, e.g:


traceLevel = 30

traceFile = c:\temp\OmniORB.log

dumpConfiguration = 1


Although the log file is empty on all but one PC, we do see the required log
messages in the product's own log view on the same PC.


Problem 2:

In an attempt to get OmniOrb to use the intended network adapter, i.e. the
main issue, we have e.g.


endPoint = giop:tcp:

endPointPublish = giop:tcp:


in the OMNIORB.CFG on each PC (with that PC's address, for the network
adapter we wish to be used).


However in some cases the other adapter ( is being used.


If anyone can cast light on either of these issues we would be very pleased
to hear it.




Nick Day


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