[omniORB] Precedence of -ORB** settings in registry/cfg vs. commandline?

Martin Trappel 0xCDCDCDCD at gmx.at
Mon Nov 24 17:13:53 GMT 2008

Hi all.

I'm using omniORB 4.1.2 on Windows.
I have a registry setting for /endPoint 0="..." and I want to override 
it with a commandline option of -ORBendPoint "...".

However, it seems that the registry option takes precedence and the 
command line option is not used.
Any way to prevent this, or am I misreading something?
(See loggings below)



-ORBendPoint "giop:tcp:trappelm:"

a) registry only:
omniORB: getaddrinfo failed for node 'wrong_name', port 0: Der 
angegebene Host ist unbekannt.
omniORB: Cannot get the address of host wrong_name.
omniORB: Error: Unable to create an endpoint of this description: 

b) registry and commandline:
omniORB: getaddrinfo failed for node 'wrong_name', port 0: Der 
angegebene Host ist unbekannt.
omniORB: Cannot get the address of host wrong_name.
omniORB: Error: Unable to create an endpoint of this description: 

c) remove entry from registry and use only commandline:
( no errror logs regarding interface)

d) cli with wrong name: (-ORBendPoint "giop:tcp:wrong_name:")
omniORB: getaddrinfo failed for node 'wrong_name', port 0: Der 
angegebene Host ist unbekannt.
omniORB: Cannot get the address of host wrong_name.
omniORB: Error: Unable to create an endpoint of this description: 

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