[omniORB] When does orb->run() return ?

Clarke Brunt clarke.brunt at trafficmaster.co.uk
Fri Mar 31 19:08:27 BST 2006

omniorb-list-bounces at omniorb-support.com wrote:

> I looked at the documentation and ist sample code.
> Each server code ends with orb->run() then orb->destroy().
> But it seems that orb->run() does not return except by typing
> <CtRL-C>, killing the process...
> I would like to know when orb->run() returns.
> Should I call orb->destroy() from another thread ?
> Or does it return when no more object is activated ?
> By the way, how do I deactivate an object.

It would return after orb->shutdown(...) causes the ORB to shut down.
Possibly there is no shutdown call in the examples (they are only examples
after all).
If calling shutdown from a method invocation, then you probably want '0' as
the argument (don't wait for shutdown) otherwise you'll get a deadlock.

As for deactivating objects, I suggest you read the CORBA spec or the C++
language binding. It's something like poa->deactivate_object(id).

Clarke Brunt, Principal Software Engineer, Trafficmaster

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