AW: [omniORB] Orbs for Java

Schmidmeier, Arno
Mon, 15 Nov 1999 15:21:26 +0100

My suggestion do not use OrbixWeb, connecting to OrbixWeb today dives =
crasy, because it is only possible with some specific configuration on =
orbix side, and even then very nasty.

Arno Schmidmeier

Arno Schmidmeier

Simplicity out of complexity
Phone 0049/89/ 61 36 76-37
Fax 0049/89/ 61 36 76-33

> -----Urspr=FCngliche Nachricht-----
> Von:	Peter Ledbrook []
> Gesendet am:	Mittwoch, 10. November 1999 16:46
> An:	omniorb
> Betreff:	[omniORB] Orbs for Java
> Hi,
> I'm working on a project which requires Java programs to work with =
> programs via CORBA. On the C++ side we use omniORB 2.8.0, but we =
> decided which ORB to use on the Java side. Does anyone have any
> experience with various java ORBs and how well they interoperate with
> omniORB?
> I've tried using JavaORB already, but the idltojava compiler has
> problems with reopening modules. This makes keeping interfaces in
> separate files rather difficult.
> Any help is greatly appreciated. Thanks,
> Peter