[omniORB] Using onmiNames with a Java client.

Mark Howells mark@softoption.com
Tue, 4 May 1999 11:15:33 +0100

I hope I'm making a simple error here.

I'm trying to use the omniNames naming service with a java client (built
using javaORB from dog - http://www.multimania.com/dogweb and I get object
not found errors) The initial resolution file points to the omniNames server
PC and is asking for "IDL:omg.org/CosNaming/NamingContext:1.0" .  

Does anyone know why omniNames doesn't understand this request?  Is what
name _should_ I use for the naming context?


Mark Howells
Soft Option Technologies Ltd.
Tel +44 1353 741641