[omniORB] 2.7.0 question: IOP::TaggedProfile multiple defs.

Aaron Van Couwenberghe vanco@sonic.net
Fri, 22 Jan 1999 22:25:56 -0800

Quick question. I just got and built omniorb 2.7.0 (also added a few random
lc mods from duncan -- this doesn't affect what this post is about though)
for use with the Berlin project.
	Just had one problem. our 115k of idl worked fine with >=3D 2.6.0;
seems to here as well. however upon linking the SK.o/DynSK.o files into the
usual shared library, I recieve this error:

glyphSK.o: In function 	OP::TaggedProfile::NP_alignedSize(unsigned int)':
/usr/local/include/omniORB2/IOP.h:64: multiple definition of =07lobal
constructors keyed to
_CORBA_Unbounded_Sequence<IOP::TaggedProfile>::NP_alignedSize(unsigned int)
unicharSK.o:/usr/local/include/omniORB2/IOP.h:64: first defined here
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status

Anybody ever encountered this before? Any known method to fix it?

I also went back over my files to make sure I hadn't left any dangling
extras in there.

=2E.Aaron Van Couwenberghe... ..vanco@sonic.net.. ..aaronv@debian.org....
	Berlin:			http://www.berlin-consortium.org
	Debian GNU/Linux:	http://www.debian.org

Nullum magnum ingenium sine mixtura dementiae fuit. -- Seneca