[omniORB] root context

Sai-Lai Lo S.Lo@orl.co.uk
Fri, 22 May 1998 14:05:27 +0100

I don't quite understand the scenerio. In general, if you want all servers
sharing the same name space, you just need one naming service running on
one machine in your network. A naming service has one root context which is
the starting point to resolve a compound name. You may find it helpful to
read the COS Naming Service specification to understand how to tackle your


>>>>> Seong-Gu Kim writes:

> Hello.
> I am a student who is working under Professor Andrew Campbell at Columbia
> University.

> Recently, I am doing a project for binding in mobile networks with
> omniORB_2.4.0.
> I have a question about COS Naming Service. My network structure is like
> this. There are SERVER1 SERVER2 and cLIENT(mobile). CLIENT want to know
> about SERVER1's IOR through SERVER2. CLIENT doesn't know about SERVER1's
> IOR. I use naming service (eg3_clt.cc and eg3_impl.cc) between SERVER1 and
> SERVER2, and between SERVER2 and CLIENT. So in SERVER2, it consistes of
> client for SERVER1 and server for CLIENT (mobile). After client for
> SERVER1 in SERVER2 getting SERVER1's IOR, client send it to server for
> CLIENT (Mobile). And SERVER1 has a server for naming service. In all
> connection, they are using the Naming Service. Here, SERVER1 and SERVER2's
> client must use same root context and same interface. Also, SERVER2's
> server and CLIENT(Mobile) must use same interface(a) and root context(a).
> When I test this structure in one computer (same server), it is fine.
> Because they need just one naming service deamon. But when I test it
> separate place (SERVER1 SERVER2 and CLIENT) in three each computers, there
> is a problem. Because between SERVER1 and client in SERVER2, they are
> already using root context(a) for naming service, so between CLIENT
> (mobile) and server in SERVER2, they can't use root context.  
> We can register just one IOR for root context in each sever.
> SERVER1 (eg3_impl.cc) SERVER2 (eg3_clt.cc and + eg3_impl.cc) CLIENT
> (eg3_clt.cc )
> Could you please tell me how I can make root context between CLIENT
> (mobile) and server in SERVER2 or get IOR from SERVER1 by using other way?