[omniORB-dev] RPMs for omniORB-4.1.0 and omniORBpy-3.0

Thomas Lockhart lockhart at fourpalms.org
Mon Jan 22 19:03:22 GMT 2007

I've posted some RPMs for the newest omniORB packages. Currently they 
are built for FC4, FC5, FC6, and RHEL4, and expect to have some built 
for Mandriva2006 in the next day or so. And of course the source RPM is 
available to build for other distros.

A few changes were required to the spec files included with the omniORB 
tarballs, related to getting the version numbering to match the release 
and to getting pre-compiled python files into the installation. The spec 
file changes are enclosed here as a unified diff.

Let me know if you notice problems. Thanks.

                                         - Tom
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