[omniORB-dev] problems on eventchannel

DIEZ Ignacio I.DIEZ at csee-transport.com
Wed May 18 16:36:10 BST 2005

I'm having problems with my OmniORB Event Channel CORBA. 
I'm using omniORB 3.0.3 and omniEvents 2.1.2. 
I have 1 server that starts a Naming Service and an Event Channel and 
3 or 4 clients that are connected to this server. The problem is that 
when a client dies, the server polls over all of his own ports trying 
to find the client. 
So, If the server connects through the 1234 port with a client in a 
6789 port and dies, then the server will ask to the client from 1235 
to 6789, 1236 to 6789 and so on... 
The real problem is that when the client restarts.. the server uses 
another port to connect with the client, but the server continues trying 
to connect with the older ports of the clients. 
The result is a lot of traffic (TCP/IP packets) over the network. 
The Event Channel is started with -ORBInitRef 
NameService=corbaloc::1.0 at pcproof:1235/NameService 
-ORBpoa_iiop_name_port localhost:1450 -ORBinConScanPeriod 3 
-ORBoutConScanPeriod 3. 
Could anybody help me, please?? 

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