[omniORB-dev] Problem with giopMaxMsgSize

John Chesshir john.chesshir at mainstream-tech.com
Tue Mar 22 15:43:36 GMT 2005

    We just ported to omniORB, and so far it has been wonderful, but we
have had the following problem that I have been unable to fix except by
working around it.
    When our users try to send more than 5 pictures over our CORBA
Connection, we get a MARSHAL exception.  I have read in
html that this is the expected behavior when the size of the message
goes over the number of bytes set by giopMaxMessageSize, which is
defaulted to 2 MB.  
    However, I found the giopMaxMsgSize variable, and I set it as an
environment variable on a Windows 2000 platform to be 10 MB, well over
the size of the particular messages we were trying to pass over the
wire, but to no effect.  We are compiling and running against the
libraries in the omniORB-4.0.5-win32-vc6.zip.
    For reference, I also set the maxGIOPVersion = 1.1 in the same way I
set giopMaxMsgSize, as an environment variable, so it would interface
with the a JRE 1.3 ORB.  When it is not set, the interface will not
work.  When it is set, it will.  So I know omniORB can pick up the
environment variables from the place I am setting them.  I am wondering
if there is a bug with it picking up this particular variable.
    While I am on that note, setting maxGIOPVersion via the environment
has been the only way we were able to get it to work.  When we followed
the directions on passing it in as a command line parameter, the threw
an error stating that it did not recognize that parameter.  It's not
killing us now, though.  Just wondered if you had seen it.
    Our work around for the large messaging was to find a way to pass
pictures one at a time over the wire.  It works, but if omniORB has a
bug, I'm sure you guys would like to know.
    Let me know if you need more details.
John C
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