[omniORB] Memory leak

Tatiana Lazareva tatiana.alexandrovna.lazareva at gmail.com
Tue Jan 17 14:16:47 GMT 2012

Hi all,
It seems that I find some memory leak bugs in omni4.1.6 code. These memory
leak bugs were detected using the purify tool on the Solaris10 OS.
*1) /omniORB-4.1.6/src/lib/omniORB/orbcore/tcp/tcpTransportImpl.cc: line
  while ( 1 ) {
    // There is no way to know for sure the buffer is big enough to get
    // the info for all the interfaces. We work around this by calling
    // the ioctl 2 times and increases the buffer size in the 2nd call.
    // If both calls return the info with the same size, we know we have
    // got all the interfaces.
    char* buf = (char*) malloc(len); [*TLazareva]: this is 426 line.*
    ifc.ifc_len = len;
    ifc.ifc_buf = buf;
    if ( ioctl(sock, OMNI_SIOCGIFCONF, &ifc) < 0 ) {
      if ( errno != EINVAL || lastlen != 0 ) {
if ( omniORB::trace(1) ) {
  omniORB::logger log;
  log << "Warning: ioctl SIOCGICONF failed.\n"
      << "Unable to obtain the list of all interface addresses.\n";
} *[TLazareva]: I think that "buf" variable should be cleaned before
"return": "free buf;" *
    else {
      if ( ifc.ifc_len == lastlen )
break; // Success, len has not changed.
      lastlen = ifc.ifc_len;
    len += 10 * sizeof(struct ifreq);
*2) /omniORB-4.1.6/src/lib/omnithread/posix.cc: line 376*
    omni_thread* t = new omni_thread; *[TLazareva]: This is 376 line. "t"
object was not deleted at the end of function. Is it correct? Purify detect
the memory leak for this object.*

    t->_state = STATE_RUNNING;

    t->posix_thread = pthread_self ();

    DB(cerr << "initial thread " << t->id() << endl);

    THROW_ERRORS(pthread_setspecific(self_key, (void*)t));

#ifdef PthreadSupportThreadPriority

#if (PthreadDraftVersion == 4)


#elif (PthreadDraftVersion == 6)

    pthread_attr_t attr;


    THROW_ERRORS(pthread_setschedattr(t->posix_thread, attr));


    struct sched_param sparam;

    sparam.sched_priority = posix_priority(PRIORITY_NORMAL);

    THROW_ERRORS(pthread_setschedparam(t->posix_thread, SCHED_OTHER,
*[TLazareva]: I think that "t" object should be cleaned before the end of
function: "delete t;"*
#endif   /* PthreadDraftVersion */

#endif   /* PthreadSupportThreadPriority */

*3) /omniORB-4.1.6/src/lib/omniORB/orbcore/portableserver.cc: line 320*
PortableServer::ServantBase::_do_this(const char* repoId)

  if (!omni::internalLock) {
    // Not initalised yet

  omniCurrent* current = omniCurrent::get(); *[TLazareva]: This is 320
line. This object is created in
/omniORB-4.1.6/include/omniORB4/internal/omniCurrent.h file at the 92 line
using "new" operator and this object is not cleaned in the code.*
  if (current) {
    omniCallDescriptor* call_desc = current->callDescriptor();
    if (call_desc &&
call_desc->localId()->servant() == (omniServant*)this) {

      // In context of an invocation on this servant
      omniObjRef* ref = omniOrbPOACurrent::real_get_reference(call_desc);
      OMNIORB_ASSERT(ref);*[TLazareva]: I think that "current" object
should be cleaned before the "return": "delete current;"*
      return ref->_ptrToObjRef(repoId);

    omni_tracedmutex_lock sync(*omni::internalLock);

    if (_activations().size() == 1) {
      // We only have a single activation -- return a reference to it.
      omniObjTableEntry* entry = _activations()[0];
      omniOrbPOA* poa = omniOrbPOA::_downcast(entry->adapter());
      omniIORHints hints(poa ? poa->policy_list() : 0);
      omniObjRef* ref = omni::createLocalObjRef(_mostDerivedRepoId(),
entry, hints);
      return ref->_ptrToObjRef(repoId);
  PortableServer::POA_var poa = this->_default_POA();

  if( CORBA::is_nil(poa) )

  return ((omniOrbPOA*)(PortableServer::POA_ptr) poa)->
    servant__this(this, repoId);

*4) /omniORB-4.1.6/src/lib/omnithread/threaddata.cc: line 51*
omni_thread::set_value(key_t k, value_t* v)
  if (k == 0) return 0;
  if (k > _value_alloc) {
    key_t alloc = allocated_keys;

    if (k > alloc) return 0;

    value_t** nv = new value_t*[alloc]; *[TLazareva]: This is 51 line. "nv"
object is not cleaned in the code.*
    key_t i = 0;
    if (_values) {
      for (; i < _value_alloc; i++)
nv[i] = _values[i];
      delete [] _values;
    for (; i < alloc; i++)
      nv[i] = 0;

    _values = nv;*[TLazareva]: As I understand "nv" object is not needed
after this line, so it should be deleted: "delete [] nv;"*
    _value_alloc = alloc;
  if (_values[k-1]) delete _values[k-1];
  _values[k-1] = v;
  return v;

5) /omniORB-4.1.6/build/src/lib/omniORB/omniORB4/Naming.hh: line 404
    static inline _ptr_type _unmarshalObjRef(cdrStream& s) {
      omniObjRef* o = omniObjRef::_unMarshal(_PD_repoId,s); *[TLazareva]:
This is 404 line.The object "o" is created using "new" operator in
/omniORB-4.1.6/build/src/lib/omniORB/omniORB4/NamingSK.cc file at the 2746
line (full stack you can find below). I think that "o" object should be
deleted before the "return" like this:*
*if (o) {*
*  _ptr_type ptrObj = (_ptr_type) o->_ptrToObjRef(_PD_repoId);*
*  delete o;*
*  return ptrObj;*
*else ...*
      if (o)
        return (_ptr_type) o->_ptrToObjRef(_PD_repoId);
        return _nil();
*Full stack:*
PLK: 1152 bytes potentially leaked in 18 blocks
  * This memory was allocated from:
malloc         [rtlib.o]
operator new(unsigned) [libCrun.a]
void*operator new(unsigned) [rtlib.o]
* omniObjRef*CosNaming::_pof_NamingContextExt::newObjRef(omniIOR*,omniIdentity*)
* omniObjRef*omni::createObjRef(const char*,omniIOR*,bool,omniIdentity*)
* omniObjRef*omniObjRef::_unMarshal(const char*,cdrStream&)
* CosNaming::_objref_NamingContext*CosNaming::NamingContext::_unmarshalObjRef(cdrStream&)
void _0RL_cd_69CECA6A39F685B5_e0000000::unmarshalReturnedValues(cdrStream&)
void omniRemoteIdentity::dispatch(omniCallDescriptor&)
void omniObjRef::_invoke(omniCallDescriptor&,bool) [omniObjRef.cc:783]
CosNaming::Name&) [NamingSK.cc:1426]
CosNaming::Name&) [Orb.cc:154]
  * Block of 64 bytes (18 times); last block at 0x27e8948

Could you please check the code above on the memory leak issue?



*T*atiana *L*azareva**

e-mail (regular): *Tatiana.Alexandrovna.Lazareva at gmail.com*
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