[omniORB] Is it possible to customize request discarding (with omniORB)?

Martin B. 0xCDCDCDCD at gmx.at
Fri Aug 5 11:11:02 BST 2011

On 05.08.2011 08:41, Martin B. wrote:
> Hi!
> I have a couple of objects in one process and for a certain state I
> would like to discard all requests to these objects.
> I can easily achieve this through POAManager::discard_requests, but this
> has the drawback that the ORB/POA raises TRANSIENT
> (TRANSIENT_POANoResource:COMPLETED_NO to be specific) and unfortunately
> the clients we have at the moment are programmed to interpret TRANSIENT
> as "system not there" and not "object temporarily unreachable". (And I'm
> not sure if the minor code sent with TRANSIENT could be somehow used in
> the clients to get some more insight.)

Update: Regarding the minor code, it seems that should be a workable 

TRANSIENT_POANoResource from omniORB is reported as 0x 4F4D 0001 wich is 
an OMG std minor code (TRANSIENT/1 : Request discarded because of 
resource exhaustion in POA, or because POA is in discarding state.) so I 
could change my client to check for that code. (Resource exhaustion is 
not really something I care about here, so it should be pretty save.)


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