[omniORB]can't connection to server on window

steven zhou steven.zhou2001 at gmail.com
Tue May 11 23:51:58 BST 2010

I have a application which run as both servant and client. I deploy this
application in 2 windows machines. the application will try to resolve each
other by corbaloc. It gets a TRANSIENT_ConnectFailed when calling
_narrow(). From the omni log, it seems the server  close the connection from
client immediately. I also write a simple client test program(it just doing
a string_to_object and _narrow() which is the same as the application does).
I try this test program. It can invoker_narrow() successfully for both two
servant in either machine.

Does anyone can give some idea on solving this problem?
Thanks very much for your help.


Below are the omni log.
[10:34:01:843] omniORB: Server accepted connection from giop:tcp:
[10:34:01:843] omniORB: AsyncInvoker: thread id = 740 has started. Total
threads = 63
[10:34:01:843] omniORB: giopWorker task execute.
[10:34:01:843] omniORB: Accepted connection from
giop:tcp: of this rule: "* unix,ssl,tcp"
[10:34:01:843] omniORB: Server connection refcount = 1
[10:34:01:843] omniORB: Server connection refcount = 0
[10:34:01:843] omniORB: Server close connection from giop:tcp:
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