[omniORB] omniidl compiler and module name different than file name

Bogdan Jeram bjeram at eso.org
Fri Sep 28 13:55:36 BST 2007

Dear all,

I think that omniidl compiler for python has some problem with
generating code for cases when IDL modules are not defined in files with
the same name.
For example omniidl compiler assumes that
module ABC

should be in ABC.idl

This is not always the case. For example we can have:
module ABC
in CBA.idl.
In this case compiler generates python modules ABC and ABC_idl.

Practical example is Property service which is (should be) defined in
CosProperty.idl in IDL module CosPropertyService.
I know that omniorb defines Property service in CosPropertyService.idl,
but this is not true for some other ORB implementation, like TAO.

Problem is when we want to use (include) CBA.idl from another idl file
for example My.idl:
#include "CBA.idl"

In this case python module My will try to load module CBA which is not
there and consequently fails.

Workaround for above mentioned situation of the Property service is to
add a file CosProperty.idl which just include CosPropertyService.idl

I think that, in case when file name and module name are different,
compiler should generate python module for IDL module(s) (as it does
now), in addition it should generate python module with the name of the
file which import module(s) generated for IDL module(s).


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