[omniORB] Java IDL / RMI-IIOP server and omniORBpy client -- not working

Duncan Grisby duncan at grisby.org
Wed Mar 29 19:22:35 BST 2006

On Friday 24 March, "Neeraj Mahajan" wrote:

> Now I start the name service using Java's orbd -  "start orbd
> -ORBInitialPort 1052"
> Start the Java server - "java -cp . Example.EchoServer -ORBInitialPort 1052"
> Run the Python client. I get the following error:

> My InitRef entry for omniORB is "NameService=corbaname:iiop:localhost:1052".

The Java nameservice isn't listening on port 1052 so you get a
connection failure. I don't know how you're meant to configure orbd, or
whether orbd is the thing that supports the name service. You should
look at the documentation for it to check how to configure it. You are
also assuming that the orbd naming service supports the interoperable
naming service specification. I'm not sure it does.

> Could someone tell me which one of JavaIDL or Java RMI-IIOP is better for
> the setup I am planning i.e. Java server and Python client.

Definitely Java IDL. RMI-IIOP results in hideous IDL that is a real pain
to use from any language other than Java.



 -- Duncan Grisby         --
  -- duncan at grisby.org     --
   -- http://www.grisby.org --

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