[omniORB] (no subject)

baileyk at schneider.com baileyk at schneider.com
Fri Jan 23 09:06:40 GMT 2004

I believe the configuration of the ORB is global in terms of what end
points are published in all IORs that all the POAs generate.  My
interpretation of your problem is that you have multiple servants in a
single process, and wish for client to contact some subset of those via one
network interface and the other subset via the other network interface.  Is
that correct?

I haven't  tried such a thing myself.  My guess would be to configure the
ORB to listen on both interfaces, but publish only one host address.  Then
for those object references that you wish to use the non-published host
address exclusively, use the convertior utility (or code similar to that
found in the utility) ot swap in the desired host name.  The convertior
program is part of the omniORB distribution.


                      Thierry DESCOMBES                                                                                                       
                      <descombt at ipnl.in2p3.fr>             To:       omniORB-list at omniorb-support.com                                         
                      Sent by:                             cc:                                                                                
                      omniorb-list-bounces at omniorb-        Fax to:                                                                            
                      support.com                          Subject:  [omniORB] (no subject)                                                   
                      01/23/2004 07:53 AM                                                                                                     

I'm working on the ability of dividing the band-width my application need,
by adding a second ethernet card.
As a consequence, is there a way to impose a specific IP adress when
deploying a servant ? On a computer, which had multiple ethernet interface,

how does the ORB choose the IP to be used ?
Thanks in advance

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