[omniORB] 4.0.0 RPMs

Thomas Lockhart lockhart@fourpalms.org
Thu May 30 15:01:56 2002

> > Adding the DESTDIR thing has been on my list of things to do. I think
> > it's probably better to put it in individual install rules, rather
> > than modifying the prefix, since things in future might need to know
> > the unmodified prefix.
> DESTDIR is usualy only supplied for the 'make install' command. During the
> make, it is usualy empty. If this is enough, changing the prefix would be a
> lot easier and the chance of forgetting DESTDIR somewhere is smaller.

Right. The RPM sequence does "make" then "make DESTDIR=xxx install" so
during *build time* prefix has the value you would expect. 

It does seem to Do The Right Thing by having it appear in just the one
place in beforeauto.mk. I checked the nominal installation area and
found no new files appearing during an RPM build. (I did testing by
building RPMs for /usr/local since I was worried that I would miss
something getting blathered into the actual --prefix destination area,
and could check /usr/local pretty easily.)

> > > 2) The IDL files are installed into $prefix/idl.
> > The current CVS version puts them in /usr/share/idl by default.
> A good place as far as I am concerned, but I can imagine other packages also
> installing their IDL there. Can this become a problem?

The example I've seen actually puts things in /usr/share/idl/omni/ (or
omniorb??) and /usr/share/idl/orbit/, so there seems to be no conflict.

So Duncan, is it OK to make the IDL destination a configurable
parameter? Other destination areas are configurable (e.g. --includedir,
--libdir, etc). If so, are you or is someone else already the autoconf
guru or should I submit patches?

> > > 3) The catior utility has the same name as a similar utility in TAO...
> > That's annoying. I don't want to change omniORB's catior...
> It is possible, but I think you would have to script that in the postinstall
> part. Maybe install it always as omnicatior, and symlink catior if it does
> not exist...

I script it in the spec file during "%install" using a "mv catior
omnicatior" from the appropriate directory. This is standard practice
(if one has to do something like that of course ;)


                       - Thomas