[omniORB] Threading in python

Thomas Lockhart lockhart@fourpalms.org
Fri, 03 May 2002 09:03:21 -0700

> I have a suspicion that you're actually using ORBit-Python when you
> think you're using omniORBpy...

Yup. Here is why I *thought* that wasn't a possibility:

1) In my original code, I had the following block just before the import

  import omniORB
  is_ORBit = None
  is_omniORB = 1
  print "Using omniORB"
  is_ORBit = 1
  is_omniORB = None
  print "Using ORBit"

but it turns out that even though I've explicitly imported omniORB it
doesn't mean that is where CORBA will come from. I'm sure I'm exposing
my lack of python background in getting tripped up here.

2) If I unset my PYTHONPATH environment variable, omniORB is not found
(I have it underneath /usr/local). When running ORBit-python, here is
what the test looks like:

myst* ./pingclient.py 
Using ORBit
Starting test 1...
test 1: 0
test 1: 1
test 1: 2
Calling orb.run()

Note that there is no message regarding the "Result for RootPOA"! Since
I had no previous experience with omniORBpy, and had never seen this
with ORBit, I concluded that this was a signature for omniORBpy!!

Anyway, thanks very much for the help. I'll be more careful in trying to
separate the two systems, since they interact more than I would have

btw, is there an ongoing effort to support RPMs for omniORB and oOpy? If
not, is it because there are barriers to doing so, or is it just that no
one is doing it at the moment? If the latter, I'd be happy to help with


                   - Thomas