[omniORB] OmniORB on RedHat 7.2

Eric Callier eric.callier@elftrading.com
Mon, 18 Mar 2002 19:49:13 +0100

Redhat 7.2 comme with gcc 2.96
gcc 2.96 is not an GNU official release and have some bug with -O1 and -O2
optimisation flag.
Take care to compil omniORB without -O2 flag.
I'd got core dump before recompiling omniORB without -O2 flag ...



|        |          Duncan Grisby               |
|        |          <dgrisby@uk.research.att.com|
|        |          >                           |
|        |          Sent by:                    |
|        |          owner-omniorb-list@uk.resear|
|        |          ch.att.com                  |
|        |                                      |
|        |                                      |
|        |          18/03/2002 10:54            |
|        |                                      |
  |                                                                                                          |
  |     To:     "Ulf Stoermer" <kz_ulf@emi.yamaha.co.jp>                                                     |
  |     cc:     omniorb-list@uk.research.att.com                                                             |
  |     bcc:                                                                                                 |
  |     Subject:     Re: [omniORB] OmniORB on RedHat 7.2                                                     |
  |                                                                                                          |
  |                                                                                                          |

On Monday 18 March, "Ulf Stoermer" wrote:

> - but then: orb->resolve_initial_references("RootPOA") throws an
> - same happens when trying to run the example programs

Please run the eg1 example with command line arguments -ORBtraceLevel
15 and post the results. If that works, please run eg2_impl and
eg2_clt with the same -ORBtraceLevel 15 arguments.



PS. Please don't send emails to both omniorb-list and omniorb -- all
the people that get mails to omniorb are on omniorb-list too.

 -- Duncan Grisby  \  Research Engineer  --
  -- AT&T Laboratories Cambridge          --
   -- http://www.uk.research.att.com/~dpg1 --