[omniORB] Got a small problem ... any idea

Antoine Thierry athierry@alphacent.com
Tue, 6 Nov 2001 09:35:57 +0100

On Tuesday 6 November 2001 01:14, you wrote:
> Antoine Thierry wrote:
> > i developp a server/client application
> > Server side, Linux, OmniOrb, C++
> > Client side, Windows, visibroker, Delphi
> >
> > when i return an empty string to the client, a get on the it :
> > acces violation at adress <xxxxxx> in module cp3245mt.dll  :
> > writing adress
> > 0000000
> You are following a NULL pointer, which is a Bad Thing.
> Probably your "empty" string is actually NULL - are you
> setting your return value properly?
> eg:
>    char* result = CORBA::string_dup("");
>    return result;

Yes, i am setting the return value properly (as you example ..)
And so, if i don't want to get an error on my client .. i have to return an 
specific carater instead of the empty string