[omniORB] IOR Interoperability

Gary D. Duzan gdd0@gte.com
Wed, 07 Mar 2001 07:07:48 -0500

In Message <2099D12F8AC1D411BD7C00508B0BF5DD0A57F8@startgwyex01.startamadeus.ie> ,
   Dempsey Shane <shane.dempsey@startamadeus.ie> wrote:

=> Hi,
=> I am running a WLE(Weblogic) server and omniORB client and am
=> getting a CORBA:Exception when I try to narrow an obj ref created by the
=> server. I think it is an IOR interoperability (lack of) problem? Any
=> possible solution or guidance would be appreciated?

   Try running the client with "-ORBtraceLevel 25" and posting the
results. That should show where the problem is.

					Gary Duzan
					Verizon Laboratories