[omniORB] Client fails to contact naming service

Jonas Reimers jonas.reimers@se.transport.bombardier.com
Tue, 26 Jun 2001 14:57:13 +0100


I have a client inside a DLL. When the DLL is loaded the client is supposed to
connect to the name service, but all I get is COMM::FAILURE
After some searching I belive that the failure is when narrowing the returned
ref. This works just fine with my server

The important part off the source looks like this:


extern "C" int APIENTRY DllMain(HINSTANCE hInstance, DWORD ul_reason_for_call,
LPVOID lpReserved)




          try{//When the DLL is loaded connect to NameService

              int argc = 3;
               char * argv[3];
               argv[0] = "OPCS";
               argv[1] = "-ORBInitRef";
               argv[2] = "NameService=corbaname::localhost:2809";

               orb = CORBA::ORB_init(argc,argv,"omniORB3");

               CORBA::Object_var obj = getObjectReference(orb);

               Op_ref = Op::_narrow(obj);


   return 1;

static CORBA::Object_ptr getObjectReference(CORBA::ORB_ptr orb)

     CosNaming::NamingContext_var rootContext;


               //Get the root naming context.
               CORBA::Object_var obj;

               obj = orb->resolve_initial_references("NameService");

               //Narrow the reference returned.
               rootContext = CosNaming::NamingContext::_narrow(obj); // THE

                    MessageBox(NULL,"Failed to narrow the root naming context."

                    return CORBA::Object::_nil();

Running omninames with ORBtraceLevel 20 gives this output:

C:\corba\Orb\bin\x86_win32>omninames -ORBtraceLevel 20
omniORB: The omniDynamic library is not linked.
omniORB: Initialising incoming rope factories.
omniORB: strand Rope::incrRefCount: old value = 0
omniORB: Starting incoming rope factories.
omniORB: Activating: key<0x4e616d6553657276696365>
omniORB: Activating: root/<0>
omniORB: Activating: root/<16777216>
omniORB: strand Rope::incrRefCount: old value = 1
omniORB: strand Rope::decrRefCount: old value = 2
omniORB: Creating ref to local: key<0x4e616d6553657276696365>
 target id      : IDL:omg.org/CORBA/Object:1.0
 most derived id: IDL:omg.org/CosNaming/NamingContextExt:1.0
omniORB: strand Rope::incrRefCount: old value = 1
omniORB: strand Rope::decrRefCount: old value = 2
omniORB: Creating ref to local: root/<0>
 target id      : IDL:omg.org/CORBA/Object:1.0
 most derived id: IDL:omg.org/CosNaming/NamingContextExt:1.0
omniORB: createObjRef -- reusing reference from local ref list.
omniORB: Ref to: key<0x4e616d6553657276696365> -- deleted.
omniORB: strand Rope::incrRefCount: old value = 1
omniORB: strand Rope::decrRefCount: old value = 2
omniORB: Creating ref to local: key<0x4e616d6553657276696365>
 target id      : IDL:omg.org/CORBA/Object:1.0
 most derived id: IDL:omg.org/CosNaming/NamingContextExt:1.0
omniORB: strand Rope::incrRefCount: old value = 1
omniORB: strand Rope::decrRefCount: old value = 2
omniORB: Creating ref to local: root/<16777216>
 target id      : IDL:omg.org/CORBA/Object:1.0
 most derived id: IDL:omg.org/CosNaming/NamingContextExt:1.0
omniORB: createObjRef -- reusing reference from local ref list.
omniORB: Ref to: key<0x4e616d6553657276696365> -- deleted.
omniORB: strand Rope::incrRefCount: old value = 1
omniORB: strand Rope::decrRefCount: old value = 2
omniORB: createObjRef -- reusing reference from local ref list.
omniORB: strand Rope::incrRefCount: old value = 0
omniORB: Creating ref to remote: root<0>
 target id      : IDL:omg.org/CORBA/Object:1.0
 most derived id: IDL:Op:1.0
omniORB: createObjRef -- reusing reference from local ref list.
omniORB: strand Rope::incrRefCount: old value = 1
omniORB: strand Rope::decrRefCount: old value = 2
omniORB: createObjRef -- reusing reference from local ref list.
omniORB: strand Rope::incrRefCount: old value = 0
omniORB: Creating ref to remote: root<0>
 target id      : IDL:omg.org/CORBA/Object:1.0
 most derived id: IDL:Op:1.0
omniORB: createObjRef -- reusing reference from local ref list.

Tue Jun 26 14:53:35 2001:

Read log file successfully.
omniORB: Creating ref to local: key<0x4e616d6553657276696365>
 target id      : IDL:omg.org/CosNaming/NamingContextExt:1.0
 most derived id: IDL:omg.org/CosNaming/NamingContextExt:1.0
Root context is


Checkpointing Phase 1: Prepare.
omniORB: createObjRef -- reusing reference from local ref list.
omniORB: createObjRef -- reusing reference from local ref list.
omniORB: createObjRef -- reusing reference from local ref list.
omniORB: createObjRef -- reusing reference from local ref list.
Checkpointing Phase 2: Commit.
Checkpointing completed.
omniORB: strand Ripper: start.
omniORB: scavenger : start.
omniORB: tcpSocketMTfactory Rendezvouser: start.
omniORB: tcpSocketMTfactory Rendezvouser: block on accept()
omniORB: scavenger : scanning connections
omniORB: scavenger : scanning connections
omniORB: scavenger : scanning connections
omniORB: scavenger : scanning connections

My .cfg file lokks like this:

# omniOrb configuration file - basic options
ORBInitRef NameService=corbaname::localhost:2809
#ORBDefaultInitRef corbaname::ORBInitialHost#services

#ORBInitialHost GBGPC0019
#ORBInitialPort 2809


omniORB 303
Win NT 4 sp6
msvc++ 5.0 sp3
