[omniORB] Persistent Obj Refs.

Renzo Tomaselli renzo.tomaselli@tecnotp.it
Tue, 19 Jun 2001 19:57:45 +0200

Alex Hayward wrote:

>omniORB won't generate the same IOR for the same object ID on each run
>unless you use a special POA. You can get a reference to this POA using
>orb->resolve_initial_references("omniINSPOA"); Even setting the PERSISTENT
>life span policy won't get you IORs that don't change...

This sounds a little suspicious. I remember a clean explanation from Duncan
about how keys are composed for a generic POA (not INSPOA) and I cannot see
any hole for differentiating PERSISTENT object keys, provided that host/port
stay the same. Where is the trick ?

On the other hand, the modified example seems to do
obj=myecho->this();orb>object_to_string(obj) *before* object activation, so
that I cannot understand where the printed IOR can take its POA info.
Certainly it cannot be the same as in AWE-2 since activation occurs in
between and poa is *not* the RootPOA.
Any comment is welcome,
                                             Renzo Tomaselli
TecnoTP s.n.c. Special Information System Design
Maso Pelauchi I38050 Ronchi Valsugana,  Trento TN  ITALY
Tel. +39 0461 773164      Fax. +39 0461 771514
e-mail: renzo.tomaselli@tecnotp.it