[omniORB] build problems

Richard Hardgrave hardgrav@ttd.teradyne.com
Tue, 12 Jun 2001 19:00:49 -0500 (CDT)

Hi folks,
	I'm trying to convert an Orbix IDL to omniORB. Is this something I
should even attempt in an incremental fashion, or should I just redesign
from scratch?  It appears that at least one of the interface methods (e.g.,
request_es) has an argument mismatch between the base class definition that
it inherits and its derived class definition. There _are_ definitions for
all the base class methods in the derived class. I'm just hoping that I just
don't understand something about the build environment. Or, is this one of
those parts of the architecture that do not translate from BOA to POA?

(omniORB 3.0.3; Solaris 2.5.1; SUNWspro 4.2 compiler)

make output:

	"TosES_i.cc", line 2636: Error: Cannot create a variable for abstract class ES_Mgr_i.
						(code shown below)
	"TosES_i.cc", line 2636: Error: 
			TosES::_impl_ES_Mgr::request_es(const char*,
			_CORBA_ObjRef_OUT_arg<TosES::_objref_E_S, TosES::E_S_Helper>)
							has not been overridden.

	"TosES_i.cc", line 2636: Error:
		TosES::_impl_ES_Mgr::get_source_group(const char*,
							has not been overridden.
	"TosES_i.cc", line 2636: Error:     TosES::_impl_ES_Mgr::get_source_groups(TosES::Source_Groups_out)
							has not been overridden.
	4 Error(s) detected.
	make: *** [TosES_i.o] Error 4

Here's part of the servant class as it was generated by 'omiidl -bcxx -WbBOA -Wbexample TosES.idl'.


	  class _impl_ES_Mgr :
	    public virtual omniServant
	    virtual ~_impl_ES_Mgr();


	    virtual void get_source_groups(Source_Groups_out sourceGroups) = 0;
	    virtual void get_source_group(const char* sourceGroupName,
					  Source_Group_out sourceGroup) = 0;

	    virtual void request_es(const char* sourceGroupName,
				    _CORBA_ObjRef_OUT_arg< TosES::_objref_E_S, E_S_Helper > es) = 0;
	struct Source_Group {
	    typedef _CORBA_ConstrType_Variable_Var<Source_Group> _var_type;
	    CORBA::String_member sourceGroupName;
	    CORBA::String_member sourceGroupDirectory;

	    Source_Defs sourceDefs;

	    size_t _NP_alignedSize(size_t initialoffset) const;
	    void operator>>= (NetBufferedStream &) const;
	    void operator<<= (NetBufferedStream &);
	    void operator>>= (MemBufferedStream &) const;
	    void operator<<= (MemBufferedStream &);

	typedef Source_Group::_var_type Source_Group_var;
	typedef _CORBA_ConstrType_Variable_OUT_arg< Source_Group,Source_Group_var > Source_Group_out;

Here's what the -Wbexample flag produced:

	// Example class implementing IDL interface TosES::ES_Mgr
	class ES_Mgr_i: public POA_TosES::ES_Mgr,
	                public PortableServer::RefCountServantBase

		... not pertinent code

	  // methods corresponding to defined IDL attributes and operations


	    virtual void get_source_groups (
		TosES::Source_Groups*& sourceGroups);

	    virtual void get_source_group (
		const char * sourceGroupName, 
		TosES::Source_Group*& sourceGroup);


	    virtual void request_es (
		const char * sourceGroupName, 
		TosES::E_S_ptr& es);

	int main(int argc, char** argv)
	  try {
	    // Initialise the ORB.
	    CORBA::ORB_var orb = CORBA::ORB_init(argc, argv, "omniORB3");

	    // Obtain a reference to the root POA.
	    CORBA::Object_var obj = orb->resolve_initial_references("RootPOA");
	    PortableServer::POA_var poa = PortableServer::POA::_narrow(obj);

	    // We allocate the objects on the heap.  Since these are reference
	    // counted objects, they will be deleted by the POA when they are no
	    // longer needed.

And, this is the line it's choking on:

(2636)	    ES_Mgr_i* myES_Mgr_i = new ES_Mgr_i();
	    // Activate the objects.  This tells the POA that the objects are
	    // ready to accept requests.

	    //    PortableServer::ObjectId_var myTosES_E_S_iid = poa->activate_object(myTosES_E_S_i);
	    PortableServer::ObjectId_var myES_Mgr_iid = poa->activate_object(myES_Mgr_i);
	    // Obtain a reference to each object and output the stringified
	    // IOR to stdout

BTW, I can compile and run the examples without problems.

