[omniORB] Re: Informations on Installing, building, and using omniORB2.8.0 on Sparc, Solaris2.7, Forte C++ Enterp Ed 6 platform

Sai-Lai Lo s.lo@uk.research.att.com
Wed, 6 Jun 2001 11:16:39 -0000


Some months ago we found got the workaround to make omniORB compiled with
Forte 6 compiler to stop crashing when multiple threads raise exceptions at
the same time. Your email prompted me to check if the fix was backported to
omniORB 2.8.0. It hasn't but I've now checkin the fix. You should get the
update-to-date source of 2.8.0 from here:


Just choose the sun4_sosV_5.7 platform and recompile everything.

You must not use the binaries you downloaded from our site for Solaris 2.5.
The compilers are not compatible.

You should also update your Forte 6 with all the latest patches. Trust me,
that would save you a lot of pain.


----- Original Message -----
From: "Hinkofer, Fa. pds, E230, D" <G.Hinkofer@deutschepost.de>
To: <omniorb@uk.research.att.com>
Sent: Wednesday, June 06, 2001 9:42 AM
Subject: Informations on Installing, building, and using omniORB2.8.0 on
Sparc, Solaris2.7, Forte C++ Enterp Ed 6 platform


we have to use omniORB2.8.0 on platform: Sparc/Solaris2.7, and Forte C++
Enterp Ed 6 compiler.
Some Questions:
1. Are there a port on this platform ?
2. Are there restrictions ?
3. Is it possible to perform program linkage with the delivered binaries
(libraries) ore is it necessary to compile and link the omniORB-Sources ?

Thank you very much for your efforts

 Günter Hinkofer