[omniORB] deadlock with distributed callback application

Christof Meerwald cmeerw@web.de
Wed, 6 Jun 2001 00:20:01 +0200

On Tue,  5 Jun 2001 16:42:09 +0200, Lars Immisch wrote:
>> The problem starts when the server is still busy with processing a oneway
>> request while the client wants to send another two-way request (over the
>> same connection). The client then has to wait for the reply from the server,
>> but the server doesn't even see the request as it is still busy with
>> processing the oneway request.
> I thought of that, but I deliberately don't invoke twoway request from oneway  
> requests back to the client. This is why I suspected the LocationRequests were  
> causing my problem - if switched on, they turn a oneway request into a twoway  
> request and I couldn't see whether they created a new connection. I need to  
> look harder into this.

As far as I know, a LocateRequest is mostly the same as a normal twoway
request - so all the problems associated with twoway requests also apply to

What you are probably seeing is that a twoway request (in this case a
LocateRequest) is invoked (by omniORB) before your oneway request.

bye, Christof

http://cmeerw.cjb.net                          Jabber: cmeerw@jabber.at
mailto cmeerw at web.de                   ICQ: 93773535, Yahoo!: cmeerw