[omniORB] Compiling omniORB3 with gcc 3.0.3-pre

Harri Pasanen harri.pasanen@trema.com
Wed, 12 Dec 2001 12:46:12 +0100

I'm again trying to get omniORB3.0.4 working on HP-UX with gcc version 3.0.3 
20011212 (prerelease).

During compilation it spews out zillions of messages like:

../omniORB3/NamingDynSK.cc:1123: warning: identifier name `
   conflicts with GNU C++ internal naming strategy

../../../include/omniORB3/Naming.hh:1052: warning: identifier name `_0RL_e' 
   conflicts with GNU C++ internal naming strategy

I haven't seen this before, and so I'm wondering if is something that we have 
to live with gcc 3.0.3?   I'm not sure if there is a way to turn of this 
specific warning?



PS. Sorry for the crosspost, I trust you to reply to the relevant mailing 