[omniORB] Questions about the CRT heap and omniORB 2.8.0.

Mike Bendickson Mike.Bendickson@spanlink.com
Fri, 8 Sep 2000 09:41:45 -0500

Please disregard this message.  I had an STL string that was being created
in the EXE and potentially reallocated in the DLL.

Apologies if I wasted anyones time.


----- Original Message -----
From: "Mike Bendickson" <Mike.Bendickson@spanlink.com>
To: <omniorb-list@uk.research.att.com>
Sent: Wednesday, September 06, 2000 12:35 PM
Subject: [omniORB] Questions about the CRT heap and omniORB 2.8.0.

> I'm struggling a bit with the CRT code generation options in VC++.
> I have a DLL that is both a CORBA server and client.  The DLL **hides**
> of the CORBA specific code from the application.
> I believe that omniORB is built to use the DLL CRT (/MD for release and
> for debug).  As I understand it, by using the DLL CRT in your app and
> you can do new/delete, malloc/free across DLL/application boundaries as
> those calls will be going against the same heap.  As opposed to statically
> linking the CRT where the new/delete, malloc/free use the local heap.
> I'm guessing that omniORB needs to be built that way as user code and/or
> stub code makes allocations that can be freed in the omniORB DLLs or vise
> versa.  Is this correct?
> Here's the situation that I'm having.  The application statically links
> CRT.  The DLL, that contains all CORBA specific code, uses the DLL CRT.
> Should this work?  I'm getting a Debug Assertion Failure on
> _crtIsValidHeapPointer.  I believe that this error occurs when you try to
> delete/free a pointer that was allocated on a different heap.
> Looking at the Context in the debugger the assertion is happening in:
> void
> GIOP_S::HandleRequest(CORBA::Boolean byteorder)
> on the dispatch call:
> .
> .
> .
> if (obj) {
>     if (!obj->dispatch(*this,
>         (const char *)pd_operation,
>         pd_response_expected)) {
> .
> .
> .
> I believe I've isolated all omniORB calls to the DLL.  The DLL is built
> a "Use run-time library" option of "Debug Multithreaded DLL".  The
> application is built with a "Use run-time library" option of "Debug
> Multithreaded".  Based on my understanding it seems like this should work.
> If the application is built to use the DLL CRT, everything works fine.
> fine if I need to build it that way, I'm just concerned that I'm covering
> some other problem as it seems like this should work.
> Thanks,
> -Mike