[omniORB] Omniorb tunnel

Sai-Lai Lo S.Lo@uk.research.att.com
24 Nov 2000 11:01:11 +0000

>>>>> Marco Catunda writes:

> 	I am trying to use omniorb on ssh tunnel security.
> 	Can I do it with omniorb? How?

You can't do this without modifying the source.

If you still want to have a go, look at src/lib/orbcore/tcpSocketMTfactory.cc

The function realConnect() is called when the ORB wants to open a
connection. Here you can add a hook to your code which essentially have to:

1. Check if the destination is one of those you want to tunnel through ssh
2. If 1 is yes, start ssh with the proper tunnel setup
3. Then connect to the local port where you have asked ssh to set up.

Of course you have to do other housekeeping, such as to keep track of the
ssh processes you have forked and when to clean them up, etc.

Sai-Lai Lo                                   S.Lo@uk.research.att.com
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