[omniORB] OrbixNames <-> omniORB interoperability

Sai-Lai Lo S.Lo@uk.research.att.com
16 Mar 2000 11:16:27 +0000

It looks like OrbixMT is doing the right thing but OrbixNames is using its
own code to turn its persistent copy of an IOR to an object reference. And
in the process it ignores the type id in the IOR and instead extract the
value wrong IR string from the object key field in the IOR.

I'm interested in what unexpected error 'nameclt list' is seeing.
Can you send me a dump of the on the wire packet by running 
'nameclt list -ORBtraceLevel 40'?


>>>>> Borges, Mark writes:

> I am encountering a potential problem getting OrbixMT-2.3.4 and
> OrbixNames-1.1c02 to work with omniORB-2.8.0 (with latest
> patches). Specifically, it appears I'm experiencing the infamous 
> "_" vs "/" Type ID problem (but I thought it was resolved in these
> latest versions from IONA).

> For example, here is the output of the demo/simple/Client.cc program
> bundled with OrbixNames:

> -----------------------------------------------------------------------
> Simple1 demo start
> [ s1224: OrbixNames (Release 1.1c02) ]
> IOR:000100000000002849444c3a6f6d672e6f72672f436f734e616d696e672f4e616d696e67
> 436f6e746578743a312e3000000000010000000000000060000100000000001670687265642e
> 6e776573742e61747477732e636f6d0006220000003c3a5c70687265642e6e776573742e6174
> 7477732e636f6d3a4e533a726f6f743a3a49523a436f734e616d696e675f4e616d696e67436f
> 6e7465787400

> Name Foo1 in the root context resolved to
> IOR:000000010000001049444c3a6261722f666f6f3a312e300000000001000000000000004f
> 000100000000001670687265642e6e776573742e61747477732e636f6d0086d00000002b3a5c
> 70687265642e6e776573742e61747477732e636f6d3a383635343a303a3a49523a6261725f66
> 6f6f00 as expected

> Name Foo2 in the root context resolved to
> IOR:000000010000001049444c3a6261722f666f6f3a312e300000000001000000000000004f
> 000100000000001670687265642e6e776573742e61747477732e636f6d0086d00000002b3a5c
> 70687265642e6e776573742e61747477732e636f6d3a383635343a313a3a49523a6261725f66
> 6f6f00 as expected
> Simple1 demo end
> -----------------------------------------------------------------------

> These IOR's generated by the Client.cc code and
> OrbixMT-2.3.4/OrbixNames-1.1c02 appear to be OMG compliant,

> -----------------------------------------------------------------------
> $ /opt/omniORB/bin/catior
> IOR:000000010000001049444c3a6261722f666f6f3a312e300000000001000000000000004f
> 000100000000001670687265642e6e776573742e61747477732e636f6d0086d00000002b3a5c
> 70687265642e6e776573742e61747477732e636f6d3a383635343a303a3a49523a6261725f66
> 6f6f00
> Type ID: "IDL:bar/foo:1.0"                                       
> Profiles:
> 1. IIOP 1.0 phred.nwest.attws.com 34512
> ":\phred.nwest.attws.com:8654:0::IR:bar_foo."
> -----------------------------------------------------------------------

> However, when I configure omniORB to use the OrbixNames NAMESERVICE in
> /etc/omniORB.cfg and ask for the IOR, I get instead:

> -----------------------------------------------------------------------
> $ /opt/omniORB/bin/nameclt list
> test.my_context/
> ObjectGroups/
> list: Unexpected error encountered.

> $ /opt/omniORB/bin/nameclt resolve test.my_context/Foo1
> IOR:000000000000001049444c3a6261725f666f6f3a312e300000000001000000000000004f
> 000100000000001670687265642e6e776573742e61747477732e636f6d0086d00000002b3a5c
> 70687265642e6e776573742e61747477732e636f6d3a383635343a303a3a49523a6261725f66
> 6f6f00

> $ /opt/omniORB/bin/catior
> IOR:000000000000001049444c3a6261725f666f6f3a312e300000000001000000000000004f
> 000100000000001670687265642e6e776573742e61747477732e636f6d0086d00000002b3a5c
> 70687265642e6e776573742e61747477732e636f6d3a383635343a303a3a49523a6261725f66
> 6f6f00
> Type ID: "IDL:bar_foo:1.0"
> Profiles:
> 1. IIOP 1.0 phred.nwest.attws.com 34512
> ":\phred.nwest.attws.com:8654:0::IR:bar_foo."
> -----------------------------------------------------------------------

> In particular, note the bogus Type ID,

>   Type ID: "IDL:bar_foo:1.0"
>             ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

> Why?

> This is reminiscent of the previously reported Orbix <-> omniORB
> interoperability problem found in the archives, e.g.,

>   http://www.uk.research.att.com/omniORB/archives/1999-03/0102.html
>   http://www.uk.research.att.com/omniORB/archives/1999-03/0100.html
>   http://www.uk.research.att.com/omniORB/archives/1997-10/0030.html

> Is this still a problem? Can anyone on this list report success using
> a similar version of Orbix (2.3.4 and 1.1c02)?

> For completeness, appended is the foo.idl definition, and the
> Client.cc program (mostly taken from the demo/ subdirectory of the
> OrbixNames-1.1c02 distribution).
> -----------------------------------------------------------------------

> //                 Copyright (c) 1996-7 IONA Technologies PLC
> //                          All Rights Reserved
> //
> //                          IONA Technologies PLC
> //
> //              The copyright notice above does not evidence any
> //              actual or intended publication of such source code.
> //

> //
> // Simple interface for demonstration of the COSS Naming Service
> //
> module bar {
>         interface foo {
>                 void func();
>         };
> };

> -----------------------------------------------------------------------
> // CORBAServices Naming Service, simple example 1.
> // 
> //                 Copyright (c) 1996-7 IONA Technologies PLC
> //                          All Rights Reserved
> //
> //			    IONA Technologies PLC
> //
> //		The copyright notice above does not evidence any
> //		actual or intended publication of such source code.
> //

> #include "NamingService.hh"
> #include "foo.hh"
> #include "foo_impl.h"
> #include <stream.h>
> #include <stdlib.h>

> int main(int argc, char *argv[]){

>   CosNaming::NamingContext_var rootContext;

>   foo_var foo1 = new foo_impl;
>   foo_var foo2 = new foo_impl;

>   if (argc !=2) {
>     cerr << "usage: client <hostname>" << endl;
>     exit(1);
>   }

>   cout << "\n\nSimple1 demo start" << endl;

> 	//
> 	// Bind to the "root" context object in the Naming Service
> 	//
>   try{
>     rootContext = CosNaming::NamingContext::_bind("root:NS", argv[1]);
>   }
>   catch (CORBA::SystemException &sysEx) {
>     cerr << "Unexpected system exception" << endl;
>     cerr << &sysEx;
>     exit(1);
>   } catch(...) {
>     cerr << "Bind failed" << endl;
>     cerr << "Unexpected exception " << endl;
>     exit(1);
>   }

>   // Bind a context called "test" to the root context:

>   CosNaming::Name contextName;
>   contextName.length(1);
>   contextName[0].id   = (const char*) "test";    // string copied
>   contextName[0].kind = (const char*) "my_context"; // string copied    
>   // Note on kind: The kind field is used to indicate the type
>   // of the object. This is to avoid conventions such as that used
>   // by files (name.type -- e.g. test.ps = postscript etc.)
>   CosNaming::NamingContext_var testContext;
>   try {
>     // Bind the context to root, and assign testContext to it:
>     testContext = rootContext->bind_new_context(contextName);
>   }
>   catch(CosNaming::NamingContext::AlreadyBound& ex) {
>     // If the context already exists, this exception will be raised.
>     // In this case, just resolve the name and assign testContext
>     // to the object returned:
>     CORBA::Object_var tmpobj;
>     tmpobj = rootContext->resolve(contextName);
>     testContext = CosNaming::NamingContext::_narrow(tmpobj);
>     if (CORBA::is_nil(testContext)) {
>       cerr << "Failed to narrow naming context." << endl;
>       return 0;
>     }
>   } 
>   // Bind the object (obj) to testContext, naming it Echo:

>   {// Temporary scope. 
>     //
>     // Part 1: Bind a couple of names
>       //

>       CosNaming::Name_var tmpName;
>       tmpName = new CosNaming::Name(1); 

>       try{
tmpName-> length(1);

> 	tmpName[0].id = CORBA::string_dupl("Foo1");
> 	tmpName[0].kind = CORBA::string_dupl("");
testContext-> bind(tmpName,foo1);

> 	tmpName[0].id = CORBA::string_dupl("Foo2");
> 	tmpName[0].kind = CORBA::string_dupl("");
testContext-> bind(tmpName,foo2);
>       }
>       catch (CosNaming::NamingContext::AlreadyBound &ab){
> 	cout << "Name " << tmpName[0].id << " is already bound" << endl;
> 	exit(1);
>       }
>       catch (CosNaming::NamingContext::InvalidName &iv){
> 	cout << "Name " << tmpName[0].id << " is invalid" << endl;
> 	exit(1);
>       }
>       catch (CORBA::SystemException &sysEx) {
> 	cerr << "Unexpected system exception" << endl;
> 	cerr << &sysEx;
> 	exit(1);
>       } catch(...) {
> 	cerr << "Unexpected exception " << endl;
> 	exit(1);
>       }
>     }

>     {// Temporary scope. 

>       //
>       // Part 2: Resolve those names
>       //

>       CORBA::Object_var tmpObj1;
>       CORBA::Object_var tmpObj2;
>       //CosNaming::Name_var tmpName;
>       //tmpName = new CosNaming::Name(1); 

>       // Create a name object, containing the name test/context:
>       CosNaming::Name tmpName;
>       tmpName.length(2);

>       try{
> 	//tmpName->length(1);
> 	//tmpName[0].id = CORBA::string_dupl("Foo1");
> 	//tmpName[0].kind = CORBA::string_dupl("");
> 	tmpName[0].id   = CORBA::string_dupl("test");       // string copied
> 	tmpName[0].kind = CORBA::string_dupl("my_context"); // string copied
> 	tmpName[1].id   = CORBA::string_dupl("Foo1");
> 	tmpName[1].kind = CORBA::string_dupl("");

> 	tmpObj1 = rootContext->resolve(tmpName);

> 	tmpName[0].id   = CORBA::string_dupl("test");       // string copied
> 	tmpName[0].kind = CORBA::string_dupl("my_context"); // string copied
> 	tmpName[1].id   = CORBA::string_dupl("Foo2");
> 	tmpName[1].kind = CORBA::string_dupl("");

> 	tmpObj2 = rootContext->resolve(tmpName);

>       }
>       catch (CosNaming::NamingContext::NotFound &ab){
> 	cout << "Could not resolve " << tmpName[0].id << endl;
> 	exit(1);
>       }
>       catch (CosNaming::NamingContext::InvalidName &iv){
> 	cout << "Invalid name on CosNaming::NamingContext::bind" << endl;
> 	exit(1);
>       }
>       catch (CORBA::SystemException &sysEx) {
> 	cerr << "Unexpected system exception" << endl;
> 	cerr << &sysEx;
> 	exit(1);
>       } catch(...) {
> 	cerr << "Unexpected exception " << endl;
> 	exit(1);
>       }

>       //
>       // Check results
>       //
>       CORBA::String_var str1 =
> (tmpObj1->_object_to_string());CORBA::IT_INTEROPERABLE_OR_KIND));
>       CORBA::String_var str2 = (foo1->_object_to_string());
>       if (!strcmp(str1,str2)){
> 	cout << "Name Foo1 in the root context resolved to " 
> 	     << str1 << " as expected" << endl;
>       }
>       else{
> 	cout << "Error resolving Foo1 in the root context" << endl;
>       }

>       str1 = (tmpObj2->_object_to_string());
>       str2 = (foo2->_object_to_string());
>       if (!strcmp(str1,str2)){
> 	cout << "Name Foo2 in the root context resolved to " 
> 	     << str2 << " as expected" << endl;
>       }
>       else{
> 	cout << "Error resolving Foo2 in the root context" << endl;
>       }
>     }

>     {// Temporary scope. 

>       //
>       // Part 3: Finally unbind those names.
>       //

>       CosNaming::Name_var tmpName;
>       tmpName = new CosNaming::Name(1); 

>       try{
tmpName-> length(1);

> 	tmpName[0].id = CORBA::string_dupl("Foo1");
> 	tmpName[0].kind = CORBA::string_dupl("");
> 	// rootContext->unbind(tmpName);

> 	tmpName[0].id = CORBA::string_dupl("Foo2");
> 	tmpName[0].kind = CORBA::string_dupl("");
> 	// rootContext->unbind(tmpName);
>       }
>       catch (CORBA::SystemException &sysEx) {
> 	cerr << "Unexpected system exception" << endl;
> 	cerr << &sysEx;
> 	exit(1);
>       } catch(...) {
> 	cerr << "Unexpected exception " << endl;
> 	exit(1);
>       }
>     }

>     cout << "Simple1 demo end" << endl;
>     return 0;
>   }

> -----------------------------------------------------------------------

> -- 
>  -mb- 

Sai-Lai Lo                                   S.Lo@uk.research.att.com
AT&T Laboratories Cambridge           WWW:   http://www.uk.research.att.com 
24a Trumpington Street                Tel:   +44 1223 343000
Cambridge CB2 1QA                     Fax:   +44 1223 313542