FW: [omniORB] static variable & thread

Glenn A. Hochberg ghochberg@att.com
Tue, 07 Mar 2000 08:24:54 -0500

The way you can declare this in IDL is to make it a readonly attribute.
This will translate into a get routine with no corresponding set.  For
    readonly attribute long whatever;
will result in a class method signature of:
    virtual CORBA::Long attr1() = 0;


Renny Koshy wrote:

> Cedrick:
>  Okay the simple answers first:
>  >     - I have done an example in which I define in the _sk
>  > class, a static member like you explain to me. It's OK but
>  > I need to declare this static member in the IDL interface
>  > because I want client object can read this static variable. Is
>  > there an equivalent of a static member in the IDL syntax or
>  > need I write a method for reading the static members ?
>  Since the client needs to access it, you should declare a get/set
>  member pair to return the static variable you declared in your class.

Glenn A. Hochberg  | "Any activity becomes creative when the doer
AT&T Labs          |  cares about doing it right, or doing it better."
ghochberg@att.com  |      -John Updike
(973) 236-6638     |