[omniORB] omniORB3 bug in any management

Viacheslav N Tararin taras@deka.kp.km.ua
Thu, 20 Jan 2000 17:21:57 +0200

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In may environment anyExample not work. It not started  anytime.

I make same "research", it's in attached files.

If file *DynSK.obj included in linker command line, *.exe file no start.

If file *DynSK.obj not included in linker line, all work properly.

In debug configuration *.exe not started at anyway.

Environment: WinNT4.0 SP3 VC6.0 omniORB3 (15.01.200).

This examples on omniORB2.8.0 work properly.


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// eg1.cc - This is the source code of example 1 used in Chapter 2
//          "The Basics" of the omniORB2 user guide.
//          In this example, both the object implementation and the
//          client are in the same process.
// Usage: eg1

#include <iostream.h>
#include <echo.hh>

// This is the object implementation.

class Echo_i : public POA_Echo,
	       public PortableServer::RefCountServantBase
  inline Echo_i() {}
  virtual ~Echo_i() {}
  virtual char* echoString(const char* mesg);

char* Echo_i::echoString(const char* mesg)
  return CORBA::string_dup(mesg);


// This function acts as a client to the object.

static void hello(Echo_ptr e)
  if( CORBA::is_nil(e) ) {
    cerr << "hello: The object reference is nil!\n" << endl;

  CORBA::String_var src = (const char*) "Hello!";
  // String literals are (char*) rather than (const char*) on some
  // old compilers.  Thus it is essential to cast to (const char*)
  // here to ensure that the string is copied, so that the
  // CORBA::String_var does not attempt to 'delete' the string
  // literal.

  CORBA::String_var dest = e->echoString(src);

  cerr << "I said, \"" << (char*)src << "\"." << endl
       << "The Echo object replied, \"" << (char*)dest <<"\"." << endl;


int main(int argc, char** argv)
  try {
    // Initialise the ORB.
    CORBA::ORB_var orb = CORBA::ORB_init(argc, argv, "omniORB3");

    // Obtain a reference to the root POA.
    CORBA::Object_var obj = orb->resolve_initial_references("RootPOA");
    PortableServer::POA_var poa = PortableServer::POA::_narrow(obj);

    // We allocate the object on the heap.  Since this is a reference
    // counted object, it will be deleted by the POA when it is no
    // longer needed.
    Echo_i* myecho = new Echo_i();

    // Activate the object.  This tells the POA that this object is
    // ready to accept requests.
    PortableServer::ObjectId_var myechoid = poa->activate_object(myecho);

    // Obtain a reference to the object.
    Echo_var myechoref = myecho->_this();

    // Decrement the reference count of the object implementation, so
    // that it will be properly cleaned up when the POA has determined
    // that it is no longer needed.

    // Obtain a POAManager, and tell the POA to start accepting
    // requests on its objects.
    PortableServer::POAManager_var pman = poa->the_POAManager();

    // Do the client-side call.

    // Clean up all the resources.
  catch(CORBA::COMM_FAILURE& ex) {
    cerr << "Caught system exception COMM_FAILURE -- unable to contact the "
         << "object." << endl;
  catch(CORBA::SystemException&) {
    cerr << "Caught CORBA::SystemException." << endl;
  catch(CORBA::Exception&) {
    cerr << "Caught CORBA::Exception." << endl;
  catch(omniORB::fatalException& fe) {
    cerr << "Caught omniORB::fatalException:" << endl;
    cerr << "  file: " << fe.file() << endl;
    cerr << "  line: " << fe.line() << endl;
    cerr << "  mesg: " << fe.errmsg() << endl;
  catch(...) {
    cerr << "Caught unknown exception." << endl;

  return 0;

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# Usage:
#   nmake /f dir.mk [<build option>]
#  <build option>:
#      all       - build all executables
#      clean     - delete all executables and obj files
#      veryclean - clean plus delete all stub files generated by omniidl3
# Pre-requisite:
# Make sure that you have environment variable LIB and INCLUDE setup for
# using Developer studio from the command line. Usually, this is accomplished
# by source the vcvars32.bat file.

# Where is the top of this distribution. All executable, library and include
# directories are relative to this variable.
TOP = ..\..\..

# Essential flags to use omniORB.
DIR_CPPFLAGS   = -I. -I$(TOP)\include
CORBA_CPPFLAGS = -D__WIN32__ -D__x86__ -D__NT__ -D__OSVERSION__=4
CORBA_LIB      = omniORB300_rt.lib omnithread2_rt.lib omniDynamic300_rt.lib wsock32.lib \
		 advapi32.lib \

.SUFFIXES: .cpp .cc
  cl /nologo /c $(CXXFLAGS) /Tp$<

  cl /nologo /c $(CXXFLAGS) /Tp$<

# To build debug executables
# Replace the above with the following:
#CORBA_CPPFLAGS = -D__WIN32__ -D__x86__ -D__NT__ -D__OSVERSION__=4
#CORBA_LIB      = omniORB300_rtd.lib omnithread2_rtd.lib omniDynamic300_rtd.lib wsock32.lib \
#                 advapi32.lib -libpath:$(TOP)\lib\x86_win32

all:: eg1.exe 

#>>>>>>>>>>>> next line not work <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
# eg1.exe: echoSK.obj eg1.obj echoDynSK.obj 
#>>>>>>>>>>>> next line work <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
eg1.exe: echoSK.obj eg1.obj 
  link -nologo $(CXXLINKOPTIONS) -out:$@ $** $(CORBA_LIB) 

  -del *.obj
  -del *.exe

  -del *.obj
  -del echoSK.* echo.hh
  -del *.exe

echo.hh echoSK.cc echoDynSK.cc: echo.idl
	$(TOP)\bin\x86_win32\omniidl3 -a -h .hh -s SK.cc echo.idl
