[omniORB] omniORBpy: Nameserver IOR via HTTP

Robert Sander omniorb@beteigeuze.cs.tu-berlin.de
Fri, 10 Dec 1999 13:51:55 +0100

On Fri, Dec 10, 1999 at 12:36:10PM +0000, David Riddoch wrote:
> There is an omniORB specific solution:
>   void _omni_set_NameService(CORBA::Object_ptr ns);
> I don't think it is documented though, and certainly not portable.

I'm sure every solution would not be portable, but this is a beginning. I
can get the IOR with Python using urllib.urlopen etc. and then do a
orb.string_to_object to get the NameService object. Using the method above
I could add this object to the avaiable services.
Or I could just use the object as a NameService object directly, without
adding it to the avaiable services. That should work, too.

Robert Sander
  home.pages.de/~gurubert, pgp available there
  tel 0700-GURUBERT