Number of file descriptors in creases

Kaisheng Du
Fri, 13 Mar 1998 16:10:12 -0500


I have two questions:

  1. Is there a way to get  the file descriptor for a connetion so that
I can establish client/per thread relation explicitly?

  2. Suppose I have two interfaces :

           interface x{

          interface y{
               x  getX();

   in the implementation of interface y, I do the following:

               x_ptr yImpl::getX() {

                    x* px = new xImpl;

                    return x::_duplicate(px);

My question is:

    Who is going to release px (since after the _duplicate() call, the
reference count on px is 2 and after the call, there is still on left)?
    Is there a way to get a reference count on any ORB object?

Any help will be greately appreciated!
