[omniORB] #### You have caught an omniORB2 bug, details are as follows:

Sai-Lai Lo S.Lo@orl.co.uk
20 Aug 1998 16:23:04 +0100

Looks like it is a bug.

The place where the message originates (file:
src/lib/omniORB2/giopServer.cc line: 264) indicates that the ORB runtime
thinks there is a disagreement in the size of the reply message that has
been calculated at the beginning of marshalling and the actual number of
bytes that have been sent. 

Could you modify the source to print out the value of WrMessageSpaceLeft()
(giopServer.cc, line: 264) at the point the exception was thrown? Assuming
that the application logic does not corrupt any data, the condition when
this happen depends highly on what the reply values are.

What are the types of the reply arguments?


>>>>> Bjoern Wennberg writes:

> #### You have caught an omniORB2 bug, details are as follows:
> ../giopServer.cc 264:GIOP_S::ReplyCompleted() reported wrong reply
> message size.

> I got the above error message from my server-app. What details do you
> need to fix/reproduce ?

> If you give me some advice I could debug the app here and probide
> further info.

> My platform is hpux-10.20 with dce-threads (compiled with aCC)

Dr. Sai-Lai Lo                          |       Research Scientist
E-mail:         S.Lo@orl.co.uk          |       Olivetti & Oracle Research Lab
                                        |       24a Trumpington Street
Tel:            +44 223 343000          |       Cambridge CB2 1QA
Fax:            +44 223 313542          |       ENGLAND