[omniORB] pure virtual method called

Jörg Narr jnarr@Comsys.DoFN.DE
Thu, 16 Apr 1998 14:33:27 +0000

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Dear experts,

I am using a callback pattern and receive the obove
method when I use the callback function on the received

The client calls a server object like:

CorbaWiasClient_i *C = new CorbaWiasClient_i;
CorbaWiasClient_ptr myObjRef = C->_this();

M->mPictSnglSub(snglsub, myObjRef);

The client offers an interface for the callback:

void callback  ( const ValueUpdate  &vupdate );

In the server I do the following:

CorbaWiasServer_i::mPictSnglSub ( const PictSnglSub & snglsub,
CorbaWiasClient_ptr  clientRef ){

      // store the reference in a CorbaWiasClient_ptr Variable called


and call somewhere on the CorbaWiasClient_ptr Variable like:


At runtime I receive "pure virtual method called" and the Server stops.

What might I have overlooked or done wrongly. I didn't paste in all the
code, but
made sure that all the pointers hold valid addresses.

Thank you for any comment.


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