
Nalin Stefano 308885/IF
Thu, 7 Aug 1997 14:27:00 +0200 (MET DST)

On Mon, 4 Aug 1997, Lennart Holen wrote:

> Hi!
> I'm trying to use a Java applet client in Netscape's Navigator
> communicating with an ORB on server. The "problem" is that Netscape have
> CORBA classes locally with the browser installation (It is very fine if
> we get this thing working!).
> The applet get these parameters:
> <param name="org.omg.CORBA.ORBHost" value="lennartpc">
> <param name="org.omg.CORBA.ORBInitialPort" value=1050>
> And the code is:
> public static org.omg.CORBA.ORB theOrb;
> // create and initialize the ORB
> theOrb = org.omg.CORBA.ORB.init(this, null);
> // get the root naming context
> org.omg.CORBA.Object objRef =
> theOrb.resolve_initial_references("NameService");
> And here it jumps out with invalidName exception. Does someone have any
> clues?
> This code works fine with Internet explorer naturally, because
> classloader loads all CORBA-classes from the webserver.
> Lennart


to use the embedded ORB of Netscape, you have to use the VisiBroker for
Java to make the stub classes. But I don't know if there is a way to load
the appropriate classes, if the ORB used by the client is not that from
Visigenic. I'm trying to use the JavaIDL because it's free, but with
Netscape 4.01 it doesn't work.

